Chapter 38 What?

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"Erhmm. Arghhh." I groaned.

"What?" Mark oppa asked as he stood up and took our bags.

"My ears are blocked." I pouted.

"You deserved it.I told you to close your ears." He smirked while throwing my bag at my mine.

"Oppa!" I told he would treat me better after that long talk but no. We walked out of the plane and waited for the others. Although we were sitting behind them,they still had not gotten out.

"Why are you guys so slow?" I complained as I saw JB oppa walk out with the rest behind him.

"Slept. Couldn't wake up." He yawned.

Everyone had droopy eyes. They probably had a great rest.

"Did you guys sleep?" Jackson oppa asked.

"No." I answered.

"What did you guys do then?" Jackson oppa asked.

"Talk." I answered without thinking. Jackson oppa grinned.

"For 2 hrs?" He shot Mark oppa a cheeky look.

"What?" Mark oppa said.

"What did you guys talk about?" Bambam overhead what we said.

Mark oppa rolled his eyes and glared at me.

I gave him a 'I'm sorry' expression. Didn't know that they would ask so much questions.

"The dog me and Young Jae is going to adopt."

"Really!! Wow! I'm excited for it."And they started to babble about dog stuff. I'm not interested. I took my bag and walked to the boarders to get my passport chopped. I was the first to cross and I took the trolley and went to wait for our luggage.

"So you are here Min Ae." Hyun Ji oppa came over.


"I will take the luggage. Just go with the rest of them and Seung Hoon will take you guys to the cab we called for first." He hushed me away.

I nodded and waited for the rest of them to pass the boarders.

"Min Ae,are you excited?" Yu Gyeom oppa was the first person who passed the boarders.

"Totally." I beamed. It was my first time overseas and my first fan meeting. I can't describe how excited I am feeling right now.

"The fans here are really awesome too. I'm sure they will love you." Yu Gyeom oppa said.

"Seriously? That will be so cool."

We went out from the airport and went up to the cab that Seung Hoon oppa called for us beforehand. I was in one with Mark oppa,Jin Young oppa and Bambam oppa. Jackson oppa,YuGyeom oppa and SeungHoon oppa in another while Young Jae oppa,JB oppa and Hyun Ji oppa in another. We had to separate since the cab was just a regular sized car.

Hyun Ji oppa got our luggage and put it into our storage compartment and told the cab driver where to take us before leaving for his cab.

"Aren't you tired?" Jin Young oppa asked me. It was almost 2am but I am still concious. Totally not me.

"Nah..I don't know why I feel so energized today." I answered. Probably because of the ardenline rush of excitement. I looked out at the windows as the car moved. Bambam oppa was sitting in the front seat while Mark oppa, Jin Young oppa and me sat behind.

It was truely a beautiful sight and the first sight I had seen besides Korea. I haven't left Korea before. Everything looks so beautiful ,remote yet attracting. I can't peel my eyes off the scenery.

Mark Tuan, you are mine! (GOT7 || Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now