Chapter 72 MarkSonAe Show.

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After reached home,I went smack down on my bed.

Believe me, it was a hectic day.

I woke up at around 3am. Probably because I slept too early.

Believe me. Being an idol totally messed up my entire system. I feel I'm like losing 10 to 20 years of my life being an idol.

Why did I even get myself into this mess? I scratched my hair and went out into the kitchen to grab a glass of water.

"Ahh.." I said. My thirst is finally quenched. I washed the glass.

I suddenly heard the door opening. My heart started to beat faster.

Who could it be? Ghost? (Author's comment : Min Ae yah..You are really hopeless..Shouldn't you be thinking of robbers first?)

I took several breaths to calm myself down.

Min Ae..Calm down..

You just have to clean the glass and walk back calmly into room. I remembered that every story says that as long you are not afraid of it,it will not hurt you.

But like how I can not be afraid?!!! Darn it!
I quickly put down the cleaned glass onto the side with trembling fingers and quickly took a hesitant step into my room.

I was trembling from head to toe. I could barely keep myself conscious. I was hyperventilating.

I suddenly remembered from a ghost movie I saw that ghost were most active at 3am.

Shit. I'm going to die this time.

I could feel my legs wobble.

Just as I was about to reach my room or should I say Yu Gyeom oppa and Bambam oppa's room, my waist was grabbed and a pair of arms secured it.

I was too shocked to yell. No voice could come out of my throat and I was feeling faint.

God save me please.

"Min Ae yah......"

I looked behind. Hoon?

Darn it. The smell...

"Yah! Hoon have you been drinking?" I yelled.

"Vanessa......"He hugged me tighter.

Vanessa? Whose Vanessa?

"Hoon! Can you just let go?"It was really uncomfortable.

"I..miss you..." Tears started to flow down his cheeks.

My heart dropped in a go. What happened to Hoon that made him so sad?

"What's going on?" Mark oppa!My lifesaver as always.

"Oppa! Here! Help me." Mark oppa dashed over.

"What is he doing?" Mark oppa yelled and yanked Hoon off me.

"Min Ae are you alright?" He scanned me from top to bottom.

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