Chapter 33 D-day II

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We had to reach the Inkigayo really early as it was a public event and it will be swarming with fans if we were any later. Plus, I was not to be revealed until the performance,so we have to take better precautions.

"Wow..They are some fans here already?" Bambam oppa exclaimed.

Seung Hoon oppa pulled into the private carpark and we went into the backstage to get to our dressing room. We changed and did our make-up.

Miss you i really miss you.Geuraedo simsimhaji anke nae norael bulleojulge. Turn the radio o-o-on. Turn the radio o-o-on.
I went out of the dressing room and practised my part over and over again. I did not want to make any mistakes.

"Isn't this my darling?" That annoying voice. Tae Hee. I looked up and there he was with 2 other guys-who must be his members.

I rolled my eyes and was about to walk away.

"Don't go hyungsoo. Hyung missed you lots." A guy with dark green hair said.

"Lol. I'm not." And I pulled my hand away from his grip.

"My Min Ae yahh..Don't you miss me?" Eww.That was gross.

I rolled my eyes.

"I thought I made it clear for you that she isn't yours?" Mark oppa appeared out of nowhere. A life saviour.

"And she isn't yours too." Tae Hee relented.

"She's my little maknae alright. Right Min Ae?" He looked at me cutely and pinched my cheeks.

I turned red and simply nodded.

"Well,I don't care. I'm going to my waiting room first darling. " And he and his monkeys were gone.

"Oppa,thank you for saving me." I said.

"Anytime." And he passed me a drink.

"Chocolate?" I asked.

"Yeah. It will calm you down." And I took a sip. Totally. I feel better.

"Thanks oppa." I gave him the biggest smile I can manage.

"I know you are still nervous. Don't try so hard. You look ugly." He teased.

"Yah oppa!" I punched his arm.

"Aigoo.." He was about to pinch my cheeks when a voice from behind interupted us.

"What do you think you are doing to Mark oppa?" That voice sounds familiar. I turned around. Wendy.

Gosh. I never should have went out of the dressing room. Meeting two not so likable people in merely 10 minutes.

She was with another girl. One of her members I guess.

"We were talking." I explained.

"But how can you simply touch Mark oppa like that? What if a reporter sees this? They would come out with many stories." She continued. Didn't she touch Mark oppa too? Seriously, that girl..

"It is the backstage Wendy. And she is my group member. We are all very close so its not really surprising." Mark oppa said with an suppressed annoyed look and gave her a really obvious fake smile.

"I guess I was wrong then. Sorry Min Ae-ah." She apologized.

"Oh no no.. I shouldn't have done that. I was in the wrong." I immediately bowed down. No matter what,she was the sunbae and unni,if I don't admit my wrongs I will be screwed by her ,period. No doubt.

"It's me Min Ae."

"Nono I am wrong definately Unni."

"Oh just stop it." Mark oppa said no longer hiding his annoyance. I bit my lips from laughing. Mark looks hilarious.

Mark Tuan, you are mine! (GOT7 || Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now