chapter 3.

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"You are not going to forget me after you become a part of Got7 right? I know you will be really busy and famous and you would not have time for me but

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"You are not going to forget me after you become a part of Got7 right? I know you will be really busy and famous and you would not have time for me but...but...but I'm your best friend!" Brooklyn exploded while faking a sob. I rolled my eyes and chuckled. Brooklyn loved to exaggerate during serious times. It always seem to lift up the mood. Just like now.

"Do I seem like such a heartless and ungrateful person to you? " I asked and Brooklyn nodded her head gingerly. Resisting the urge to roll my eyes again, I crossed my arms and gave her a fake glare,"Brooklyn, I'm so disappointed in you."

Brooklyn chuckled as I punched her arm while pursing my lips,"But you make it sound as if it will really happen..."

"Of course it is going to happen! Believe me girl! You are the best!" She gave me a confident grin and I thumps up.

I laughed but bit my lip internally.

I wish I was half as optimistic and confident as her. I sighed and ran my hand through my hair.

Shit. What did I just do?

I quickly took out my mirror to check my hair. At least it wasn't that badly messed up.

I advanced towards the main door slowly, counting each step as I go towards it.

What exactly am I doing right now?

I gulped down my saliva as I debated over my decisions. I really make the worst choices. I sighed. Why did I even comtemplate about this?

I stopped in front of the building's main entrance as I question my decision. People
gave me looks of confusion and irritation as they walked past me to enter the building but I couldn't care less.

Why did I even want to do this?

I wanted to join Got7.

Why did I even want to join Got7?

I wanted to be a part of Mark's life.

I groaned. Why do I do things impulsively and end up regretting it?

I rested my hand over my temples and let out a loud sigh.

"Min Ae." I heard Brooklyn at the back with an annoyed voice

"I know. I know. Just let me get back my nerves for a while." I quickly answered her and took several breaths to calm myself.

Being friends with me for such a long time allowed Brooklyn to comprehend the thoughts that were running through my mind.

She furrowed her eyebrows,stomped her feet and signaled me to go in. She was just that demanding. I took in a huge breath and mustered all the courage that I have in me and stepped inside the building.

"Aren't you coming in?" I called out to Brooklyn.

"Nah. I'm going to grab breakfast. Haven't eaten yet. Break a leg girl! I'm sure you can do it." She came over and gave me a huge hug.

Mark Tuan, you are mine! (GOT7 || Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now