Chapter 9: Idols

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As Miyako approached the front door, she could hear the faint sound of people talking. She recognized one of the voices as Shigaraki, but the other voice was unfamiliar. She opened the door slowly so she wouldn't disturb them. When the door was fully open, she saw a man dressed in rags and blades. She recognized him almost immediately.
"The Hero Killer: Stain."

Stain turned around and looked at Miyako, as she had accidentally spoken aloud

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Stain turned around and looked at Miyako, as she had accidentally spoken aloud.
"Now who's this?" Stain asked with a smile on his face. Miyako was nervous since she was meeting the man she idolized, but she calmed herself down and introduced herself.
"My name is Fushimi Miyako, and I work with  Shigaraki Tomura. I really like your work, you get those fakes off the streets. I hope to reach your level someday." Miyako said with a smile. Stain scoffed then turned his attention back to Shigaraki.
"And what's your mission?" Stain questioned Shigaraki. Miyako deduced that they were trying to recruit Stain.
"For now, we really just wanna kill All Might." Shigaraki answered as he tilted his head.
"I like to destroy anything that pisses me off, like this little brat here, game over." Shigaraki continued as he showed a photo of Midoriya Izuku winning the first round of the sports festival.
"I was a fool to think you could offer me anything." Stain responded, visibly disappointed by Shigaraki's answer.
"Turns out, you're the type of person I hate most in this world. The goals of your league are those of a child. What meaning is there to kill if you don't have real convictions?" Stain stated as he began to draw his blade. Kurogiri asked if he should step in, and AFO told him to let things happen. Miyako worried what would happen, but obeyed her orders.


Stain had easily overpowered Shigaraki, and had him pinned down with a blade in his right shoulder. Miyako and Kurogiri were also injured in the process. Shigaraki asked Kurogiri to remove Stain, but Kurogiri said he couldn't move.
"I can't move either. The cut wasn't severe enough to paralyze me, so this has to be his Quirk. But how does it work?" Miyako thought as she lay helplessly on the bar floor.
"The word 'Hero' has lost all meaning in this society. The world is overrun by fakes, and criminals like you who chase petty dreams. They must all be purged" Stain said as he brought one of his knives closer to Shigaraki's neck. Luckily, Shigaraki used his Quirk on the knife, and destroyed it. Shigaraki started talking down to Stain, which shocked him.
"It seems our goals fundamentally oppose each other. However, this wasn't in vain. We've agreed that we need to destroy the present." Stain said with his usual smile.
"I'm over this. Leave, drop dead, I'm the kind of person you hate most right?" Shigaraki commanded, visibly tired of this conversation.
"I was testing your motives. People always show their true colors when they're on the verge of death. It's abnormal. There is desire, a warped sprout of conviction inside of you. How will it bloom in the end I wonder? Maybe I'll let you grow. If you don't turn out well, I'll take you out later." Miyako and Kurogiri were both able to move again as Stain demanded to be brought back to Hosu.


"Hosu city looks nicer than I expected. So, what are you gonna do?" Shigaraki asked the Hero Killer as they arrived at their destination.
"Hero is a title for those who have accomplished great deeds. This city is full of false champions, all they care about is money and fame. Until this world realizes its mistakes, I will continue my work." Stain stated as he jumped from the water tower to continue his goal.
"He talks all high and mighty, but he's just wasting his time on a small stage." Shigaraki stated.
"He had a point though, there's nothing special that sets us apart from your average street thug. We gotta have some goal in order to make a name for ourselves." Miyako interjected with her thoughts. Shigaraki didn't seem to shoot her down like he used to.
"In all the cities Stain has appeared in, the crime rate has fallen. Perhaps because Heroes are more conscientious, or perhaps out of fear. Regardless he does bring change." Kurogiri stated the facts as they were, and he was right. Stain's influence caused what he was striving for. Shigaraki didn't seem to like this realization however. On Shigaraki's command, Kurogiri brought out three Nomu. One was bulky, similar to the on they used in the U.S.J. Another had wings, which Miyako hoped to replicate with her Quirk. The last one didn't seem to have anything special about it at first glance, but that was fine. The Nomu's left as they began there attack on Hosu.

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