Chapter 18: Epic Battle

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When Miyako was back on stable footing, she immediately started coughing because of the Quirk used on her.
"That was fucking gross!" Miyako commented, and nearly everyone else in the League agreed. They were in an area that was completely trampled, and in front of them stood All For One. Miyako couldn't resist the urge to bow in respect.
"Master." Shigaraki Stated as he looked at the Powerful Villain.
"So, you failed once more Tomura. But you must not be discouraged, you'll try again. That's why I brought your associates back with you. Even this child, because you judged that he was an important piece on your game board." All For One said as he walked towards Shigaraki, and he extended his hand out to Miyako's hand covered leader.
"Start over as many times as it takes. I am here to provide you with help. All of this, is for you." All For One finished as he reassured Tomura Shigaraki, so he wouldn't loose hope of success.
"Ah, there you are." All For One stated calmly as All Might appeared from the sky, attempting to punch All For One. AFO managed to catch both his fist, the force created from the impact was enough to send everyone in the area flying, a true testament to how powerful these two individuals were. All Might tried attacking All For One again, but was shot back through multiple buildings by a combination of his Quirks.
"Don't you worry, it'll take more than that to kill him." All For One said in response to Bakugo's worry for All Might. All For One released appendages from his fingers in an attempt to forcibly use Kurogiri's Quirk, but Magne told him it wouldn't work. All for One then explained how Kurogiri's warp Quirk would be better than his because he had just recently gotten that Quirk. All For One commanded them to leave as All Might reappeared for another strike. Compress used his Quirk on an unconscious Dabi as everyone else turned towards Bakugo.
"Our best bet is to keep him down long enough for Compress to use his Quirk on him. He needs to be alive of course." Miyako stated her observations as the League charged towards the high tempered kid. Bakugo was dodging and deflecting all of there attacks, and Miyako was getting impatient. Suddenly, everyone's attention was caught by UA students busting through one of the nearby broken walls. Before any of them had a chance to react, a massive chunk of ice sprouted from the ground, creating a ramp. The UA students used the ramp of ice to launch themselves into the air.
"Come on!" Miyako faintly heard the red haired student yell. Shigaraki went to touch Bakugo, but was blown away by a sudden explosion. When the smoke cleared, Bakugo was with the UA students in the air.
"Why do you keep showing up everywhere?!" Shigaraki queried as he looked at this vulgar display of Heroism. Magne decided to use her Quirk on Compress, and Miyako used some of the blood on the battlefield to create a rope to attach to Compress. Suddenly, Mountain Lady moved in the way, causing Compress to collide with her head. Seeing their plan failed, Miyako quickly pulled Compress back. Right before Miyako could complete bringing Compress back, an elderly Hero appeared, knocking all of them out besides Miyako, who was shot back towards Toga. The only ones left standing were Toga, Miyako, and Shigaraki.
"Tomura I do not wanna die in this place!" Toga whined as she wiggled back and forth. All For One forcibly triggered Magne's Quirk, causing everyone to come hurling at Miyako and Toga, knocking them through Kurogiri's warp gate.

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