Chapter 21: A Glimpse Into The Past

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Miyako slowly opened her eyes, and noticed the star filled skill above. A hint of confusion brushed over her as she took in the unfamiliar surroundings. She slowly stood up to see that she was in an alley that she didn't recognize.
"Where the hell am I? How did I seven get here?" Miyako thought as she looked around, but her ears suddenly perked up when she heard a familiar sound. It was the sound of police cars and citizens screaming, Miyako concluded that there was a Villain attack nearby. She normally didn't trust any Villains outside the League, but she decided to pursue the noise to try and get some answers. She quietly creeped from ally to ally, being careful not to be spotted. When she arrived at the location of the fight, she immediately noticed a grown woman covering in the crimson color of blood. I still looked fresh, meaning it was likely from that fight. The woman had long black hair that went down to he knees, and she had grey eyes that gave a dead, yet serious expression. Her opponents looked like soldiers, both using Quirks.
"It seems you boys don't know when play time is over, let me show you then." The woman taunted with a smirk as the blood that covered her flowed down her body, collecting in a pool at her feet. She suddenly slammed her hand into the blood, causing it to become a ridge of spikes that killed the soldiers instantly. The woman moved her hand, causing the blood to turn back to its normal state before she collapsed to the ground. Miyako was surprised at how similar the woman's Quirk was to her own. She was about to go and check on her when a man with white hair appeared.

 She was about to go and check on her when a man with white hair appeared

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"I'm sorry All For One, I used up the last of my strength." The woman stated as she coughed up her own blood. Miyako was shocked to hear this woman referred to this man as All For One.
"All For One's supposed to be in Tartarus right? How is he here, and why does he look so different?" Miyako thought as she continued to watch.
"You were truly a valuable ally, am was honored to have you fight for my cause Kira." All For One complimented the woman, now known as Kira.
"I want you to take my Meta Ability, and give it to someone you view as worthy of my power." Kira requested, almost on her last breath. All For One accepted, and placed his hand on her head, stealing her power. Kira uttered her final thanks to All For One before passing away. Miyako tried to call out to All For One, but no matter how hard she tried, no sound would come from her mouth.
"Why can't I talk? Whatever, I'll just walk over to him." Miyako thought as she tried to walk to the man who gave her a Quirk, but wasn't able to move outside of the ally. Miyako tried to get her way over, but a piece of debris suddenly came rushing towards her head.


Miyako quickly opened her eyes as she suddenly sat up in a cold sweat. She was breathing heavily, like she had just ran a marathon. She looked around frantically to see that she was back in the warehouse, and all the members of the League were asleep. Miyako moved her arm to feel her heartbeat, but was hit with a sudden jolt of pain. She looked at her arm to see that her veins were swelling. She slowly looked up to see that some of her blood was in the form of spikes, similar to what that Kira woman had done. She released her control, causing the blood to pool on the ground.
"What happened, and who was that woman?" Miyako questioned herself as she massaged her arm to bring down the swelling.

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