Chapter 14: Beginning The Assault

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"I do not like this. It's so not cute." Toga complained as she put on her support items. Miyako had ones as well. They were pouches that contained blood, as well as flash bangs to blind her opponents.
"I'm just saying they could be a little more stylish, is that to much to ask?!" Toga continued to complain.
"Look at it this way, you can get even more blood this way." Miyako said, trying to cheer Toga up. It succeeded, and she was back to her normal self.
"That makes 8 of us." Dabi stated as the rest of the group arrived.
"I don't care, let me loose. I'm too pumped up to stand by." Muscular said clenching his hand.
"Shut your mouth you crazy bastard. We wait. We're still expecting three more people to join our little party." Dabi stated with a grin. He was right however, they were still waiting for Twice, Compress, and the Nomu.
"The League of Villains made a mistake going after them with a bunch of random thugs at the U.S.J. Better to use a small group of Elites. The first thing we have is to do, is take away their sense of peace. And show them that their lives, rest in our hands." Dabi gave a speech as they looked at the training camp from a cliff side. As much as Miyako didn't like his attitude, he was right. A small group of people who know what they're doing is better than a bunch of random thugs.


As the next night arrived, so did the rest of their team. Dabi divided everyone to certain roles. Mustard would use his gas to knock out anyone in the area of effect. Dabi would use his fire on the areas not touched by his gas. Twice would be with him to create copies to distract and by time. Muscular, Compress, and Moonfish were assigned the task of finding and collecting Bakugo. The Nomu would assist them as well. Finally, Miyako, Magne, and Spinner would go after Rag Doll. The area control part of the plan worked just as intended, even getting a few students. Magne used her Quirk on Pixie-Bob to pull her towards them as leverage. Rag Doll was in the forest when Miyako found her
"Hello Rag Doll, why don't we play a little game of cat and mouse. This time though, you're the mouse." Miyako said as she charged towards Rag Doll.

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