Chapter 29: An Old "Friend"

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Miyako looked at Fuuki with surprise, and began laughing out of nowhere.
"Care to share what's so funny?" Fuuki asked with her usual shit eating grin.
"I just find it funny that the little brat who claimed she would be a Hero is apart of a Villain group. Anyway, if you really read the police reports about me, then you know I'm not the same as I was back then." Miyako said with a confident smile, certain that she would win. Fuuki taunted her to prove her strength, causing Miyako to rush towards her. Some Liberation members tried to stop her, but she killed them swiftly as she forced her way to Fuuki. She laughed as she was getting injured.
"My Quirk controls blood, so I naturally get stronger the more I get injured, keep it coming!" Miyako yelled as she created a massive tendril out of blood and struck Fuuki. She released control over the blood, and it got blown away by someone with a wind Quirk.
"Whatever, all I need to do is-" Miyako was about to manipulate the blood coming from Fuuki's wound and kill her when something unexpected happened. She couldn't sense any controllable blood in range, Miyako was speechless.
"It seems like I have some surprises too." Fuuki taunted as she explained.
"I thought my Quirk only let me stretch my arms, but thanks to the Liberation Army, I learned that I can manipulate the flesh and bone of my entire body! No matter how many wounds you open, I'll just seal them up!" Fuuki laughed, but Miyako wasn't done yet. There was no blood in range, so she rushed towards Fuuki to fight her physically. She swung her right fist for a punch, but her fist suddenly came back to hit her. Miyako was stunned, and both her fist proceeded to punch her.
"What's going on, why isn't my body listening to me!" Miyako thought as she tried to stop her arms, but she couldn't move on her own accord.
"Sorry for the close call darling, but your plan worked." Miyako moved her eyes to see a man standing next to Fuuki.
"Allow me to introduce you. This is Keito Momoru, my parter. His Quirk let's him control the body of anyone he drinks the blood of until he digests it." Fuuki explained as Keito continued to force Miyako to attack herself. Miyako was trying her best, but she couldn't fight it. Fuuki decided to join in, and stretched her body to squeeze Miyako in her now giant fist. Miyako coughed up blood before slowly looking up at Fuuki. Her laughter slowly got quieter as Miyako's vision got darker and darker, until her vision went completely black.

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