Chapter 23: Young Tactician

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The League was sitting in their new base, which was an abandoned hospital, recovering from their most recent fight. Compress lost an arm, and Magne lost her life. They managed to get a new prosthetic arm from Giran, but there was nothing they could do about Magne's death. Miyako had received some information about the Shie Hassaikai from someone in the black market, and she was shocked by what she was reading.
"This is sick, even by our standards." Miyako voiced her disappointment a loud, prompting Toga to inquire about her reaction.
"I decided to buy some information on the Shie Hassaikai, and I'm both fascinated and disgusted by what I see here." Miyako responded as she glanced at the document in her possession.
"Would you care to share what you discovered?" Kurogiri asked the question that was on everyone's mind. Miyako nodded as she read what she felt was important.
"The guy who we met earlier goes by Overhaul. Real name, Kai Chisaki. He named himself after his Quirk, and it allows him to break down and reassemble matter by touching it." Miyako read of the information on the young head.
"So that's how he killed big sis Mag and took Compresses arm." Toga stated her understanding of the information.
"Now the sick part. Apparently he has a little girl in his possession, named Eri, and he uses her blood to make Quirk erasing bullets." Miyako continued as she read what she found horrifying.
"Big deal, it's just a mass produced version of Erasure Head's Quirk." Shigaraki stated his thoughts, clearly not entertained.
"Not entirely." Miyako retorted. "Sure, there are versions out there that temporarily erase Quirks, like the one used on Compress. But according to this intel, he's developed versions that can erase a person's Quirk permanently." Everyone was in shock as Miyako finished speaking, her words echoing in the heads of the League for a few long seconds. Miyako decided to make a risky request.
"Shigaraki, I have a plan that could permanently get Overhaul out of the picture. I would like to take charge of orders till then." Shigaraki glared at Miyako, sending a shiver down her spine, but she continued.
"You tend to rush into things without a plan. While that can work sometimes, doing that with this situation will get the rest of us killed." Miyako stood her ground as she awaited Shigaraki's response, the tension in the air heavy.
"Fine, have it your way. But if you try bossing me around after this little plan of yours is over, I'll turn you to dust." Shigaraki groaned as he approved Miyako's requests.
"What is your plan then Miyako Fushimi?" Kurogiri once again asked the question everyone was thinking.
"We play along for now. Shigaraki, I want you to meet with Overhaul, see what his terms are. I'll discuss the rest of the details when you get back." Shigaraki got up as Kurogiri followed, escorting him to the HQ of the Yakuza.


"He wants us to lend him some of our members as proof we're on his side." Shigaraki told Miyako the general idea of what happened.
"Okay. Then we'll send Toga and Twice."
"Sure thing! Why us?" Twice responded, which Toga agreed.
"You'll understand later, just be yourselves." Miyako stated as she requested the duo to go out for more supplies. She waited till they were gone before she continued to speak.
"I wish I could tell them more, but it would jeopardize the plan." Miyako spoke with a somber face.
"How so?" Spinner asked, curious of what she meant.
"They have someone on their side with a Quirk that can force someone to answer truthfully to any question they ask. We would be risking them finding out our plan if Toga and Twice knew." Miyako responded as Dabi stood up from the crate he was sitting on.
"So princess, what's the rest of your plan." Dabi asked. Miyako was pissed about the nickname he had given her.
"Don't call me that! But anyway" Miyako calmed herself down before explaining "Kurogiri, would you be able to get a truck that's like a moving truck?" Kurogiri nodded as Miyako designated Spinner as the driver due to his Quirk being the least suitable for combat.
"Compress, I want you to go back to the warehouse. Collect as many pieces of rubble as possible, the bigger the better. Compress, along with the rest of us, will handle the police and Heroes." Miyako rushed, prompting Compress to asked her to explain more.
"We'll wait till the Heroes get involved and arrest Overhaul. Then, We'll take those Quirk erasing bullets. You guys can do whatever you want with Overhaul of course." Miyako concluded her plan as she looked around to see everyone's opinions. Everyone agreed, and the plan was set.

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