Chapter 17: An Unexpected Arrival

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"I'm so grateful to the media for all the free publicity lately. Right? isn't it nice, Katsuki Bakugo?" Shigaraki stated as he looked at Bakugo, who awoke from Miyako's strike.
"I'll ask you one more time, Katsuki Bakugo, aspiring Hero. Will you join the League of Villains?" Shigaraki asked the kid again, and he responded by telling Shigaraki to throw himself  into traffic.
"For someone trying to be a Hero, you sure don't give off that vibe. If it was up to me, I would have you killed right now just for being annoying. But Shigaraki-san has the final say, and he wants you to join us. It would be wise to accept his offer if you value your life." Miyako said. She clearly disliked Bakugo, but wasn't willing to test Shigaraki's patience by going against him.
"Isn't that strange? The Heroes are becoming the bad guys. Seems like they're not dealing with this very well at all. So much criticism, but everyone makes a mistake or two right? It's not like they're supposed to be perfect, modern day Heroes sure have it rough, don't you think Bakugo?" Shigaraki stated after showing a press conference led by U.A staff, it was clear that the public was loosing their trust in Heroes. Miyako was pleased by this. Spinner stated how Stain's actions led their thinking.
"Heroes in this current system only care about money and glory, and since society buy's into those idiotic rules, anyone deemed a looser is shoved aside." Miyako was hit by that line personally, as she was a prime example of that fact.
"So we want to pose some questions. What is a Hero? What is justice? Is this society truly fair? Soon, everyone will be asking.That's when we know we've won. You like winning, don't you?" Shigaraki stated trying to get Bakugo to reconsider. Suddenly, Shigaraki ordered Dabi to release his restraints. Dabi was against it, but Shigaraki claimed they should treat him as an equal since they were recruiting him. Dabi was still against it, so he told Twice to do it.
"I do apologize for such forceful methods, but please understand we aren't some unruly mob committing crimes without a third act in mind. We didn't kidnap you by accident." Compress stated as Twice removed the restraints. Shigaraki followed up by saying that everyone in the League has suffered despite being from different backgrounds. As Shigaraki got closer, Bakugo suddenly sprung up, kneed Twice in the face, and used his explosion Quirk on Shigaraki.
"I'm done listening to your endless talking. Can you not get to the point, or do you just like your own voice? Basically what you're saying is that you wanna cause trouble and you want me to join you. Well screw you. I like to win, I wanna win just like All Might. No matter what you have to offer me, that'll never change do you understand?!" Bakugo responded as he stood with a smile. Shigaraki was visibly irritated. As he looked down at the hand that was now one the ground, Miyako faintly heard him say something that sounded like "Father". The press conference was back on the TV, and they were saying how the police would solve the case soon. This made Bakugo even more confident.
"He must've figured out he's important to us. What a clever boy." Magne stated her thoughts on the matter. Dabi retorted by saying he was a fool. All Toga wanted to do was stab him.
"A clever performer would've acted like we were winning him over. Now that he's broken character, he's finished." Compress stated his thoughts. Miyako was surprised to see that Shigaraki ordered everyone to not lay a finger on Bakugo, despite how upset he was.
"This Hero, is still a valuable piece. I wish you would've listened to what I had to say, I thought you and I could come to an understanding." Shigaraki stated, but Bakugo was still visibly combative. Shigaraki asked AFO to lend his power, which he agreed to.
"Kurogiri, Compress, its time to put him back to sleep." Shigaraki commanded as Compress walked over to Bakugo. Everyone stopped in their tracks when they heard a knock at the front door.
"Hello, I got a pizza delivery here." The voice behind the door spoke.
"Who the hell ordered pizza now of all times?!" Miyako yelled visibly annoyed. Her anger quickly turned to fear when All Might suddenly came through the wall. Kurogiri tried making a gate, but was trapped by Kamui Woods along with everyone else. Dabi tried to burn his way to out, but was knocked unconscious by an elderly man with a white and yellow outfit.
"You can't run anymore League of Villains, understand? Because we are here now!" All Might said with his usual smile. Compress was shocked that they got there that soon after the press conference. Edge Shot came in and told the League that they were surrounded by police and strong Pros.
"Kurogiri, warp over as many as you can!" Shigaraki commanded. Kurogiri was unable to do this however because the Nomu weren't where they were supposed to be. All Might gave his usual Heroic speech, which seemed to scare Spinner, but only disgusted Miyako.
"I don't care if Stain liked you or not, it's because of you that no one thinks for themselves. You may think you've created a safe society, but the society you created made us this way!" Miyako yelled at the Pro in anger as she tried to free herself, with no success. Edge Shot used his Quirk to knock Kurogiri unconscious, rendering him out for the count. The Heroes questioned Shigaraki about the whereabouts of AFO, but he didn't answer. Suddenly, Nomu appeared out of a gray, sludge like substance.
"That's none of our Quirks, that could only mean-" Miyako was cut off as the same substance started coming out of hers, and the rest of the League's mouths. This included Bakugo.

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