Scream/ Menna

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Mikey and Jenna have been dating for eleven months now, and they were excited to find out they were also supposed to play girlfriends in the new scream movie. But since the script got out, they had to only be best friends.

"I wish I was still your girlfriend."Jenna says, pouting, and Mikey laughs

"Baby, you're still my girlfriend. You're just not my girlfriend in the movie anymore."Mikey says, kissing Jenna's head

"All because a cast member released the script."Jenna says, groaning and rolling her eyes

"Baby, it's fine. You're still my girlfriend in real life, and you're my best friend in the movie."Mikey says, pulling Jenna into her lap

"Yeah, the best friend you try to kill."Jenna says, wrapping her arms around Mikeys neck

"Yeah, but Amber ends up turning on Richie because she can't find the earth to kill you."Mikey says

"I'm going to talk to the director. Maybe at the end, when Amber does end up killing Richie Maybe, she's walks over to Tara and pulls her into a kiss and apologizes for everything she's done. And when Sam, Gale, and Sidney try to pull Amber away from Tara, Tara pulls the gun away from Amber and points at them."Jenna says

"That's actually not an idea, and im sure Amber would be super proud."Mikey says, and Jenna giggles and pulls Mikey into a kiss.

"Guys, we're on."Melissa says, walking by

"Let's not say anything about our idea and just go with it and see if the girls will also."Mikey says, and Jenna nods, smiling

"Action!"The director yells

"You should've listened to Dewey Sam. Never trust the love instrest."Jack says, holding a knife to Melissa's throat

"Amber, get Tara out of the closet, and we can finish this and get our ending."Jack says, smirking

"Why don't you go get her, and I stay here with these three loosers."Mikey days, and Jack smirks and walks off

"Run to Tara now."Mikey yells, and the three women run to where Jenna is

"Why did you let then get away!"Jack Yells

"I'm not doing this anymore!"Mikey says

"What are you talking about?"Jack asks

"I'm not going to kill the girl I love."Mikey says

"You're my girlfriend, though."Jack says, not knowing what else to say since Mikey went off script

"No, I was your pretend girlfriend, Richie. I love Tara, and I can't kill her."Mikey says, tearing up

"Fine, I'll kill her then you."Jack says, smirking and holding a gun up at Mikey

"No, you won't. I won't let you touch her."Mikey says and runs to Jack and stabs in the stomach four times, and he falls down

"What about our movie, baby?"Jack asks

"Don't call me baby and fuck your movie."Mikey says and pulls the gun out her jeans and shoots Jack in the head

Mikey walks over to Jenna and pulls her into a kiss. Jenna wraps her arms around Mikeys neck.

Melissa pulls Mikey off of Jenna and holds a gun at her and Mikey puts her hands in the air.

"Sam put it down."Jenna says holding a gun at Melissa and Mikey smirks

"Tara she tried to kill you."Melissa says looking at Jenna

"No she didn't try to kill me you heard what the doctors said every stab wound missed every Important organ. So Amber knew she didn't want to kill me but she did want Richie to think she was still on his side. I love her, Sam, and im not going to let you kill her."Jenna says

"Tara, that's your sister."Neve says

"And my sisters dad was your boyfriend, and you see what he did."Tara says

"Damn, that's low."Neve says, and Jenna smirks

"Now, put the gun down."Jenna says, and all you hera is a gunshot go off

"CUT!"The director yells

"Yo, what the hell was that? Why did you go off script?"Jack's also getting up off the floor with fake blood spilling out his fake cut wound on his neck

"Jenna and I had a different idea for the ending."Mikey says, smirking, and Jenna smiles

"That was great! I love this ensign better than Amber actually getting killed after betraying Richie. Y'all just made me rethink about scream six."The director says then walks off

"I'm surprised yall didn't stop acting and ask us why we went off script."Jenma says, looking at Melissa Courtney and Neve.

"Well, Jenna, we're actors. Sometimes, you have to go script to make the movie better."Courtney says then walks off with Neve

"I did almost stop, but then the director shook his head no, so I made up some lines."Melissa says and walks off

"Now I'm ready to see what the fans think."Jenna says excitedly, and Mikey smiles and kisses her head

A few weeks later, Mikey is sitting on the couch with Jenna in her lap, and they're going live on Jenna's Instagram.

"Okay, so what did yall think about the ending?"Jenna asks excitedly

Mikey and Jenna see comments rolling in saying tamber for life, and I knew Amber was never going to actually betray Tara like her killing wes just for Tara, proves it

"Amber killed Wes because she had a crush on Tara and didn't want anyone to take Tara from her."Mikey says, laughing

"Did Sam actually kill Amber!? Like we need answers!"Jenna reads off the screen

"We don't know if Sam kills Amber. All we know is that all the scenes were improvised by all of us. The movie was supposed to end a different way, but Jenna came up with a different ending. The movie should end, so her and I went off script, and everyone just followed us. But did you actually see Sam shoot the gun? No, we don't. All we see is Tara telling Sam to put down the gun, and then we hear a gunshot, and the credits pop up, so who knows who shot the gun."Mikey says, and Jenna laughs at the comments rolling in about theories.

"Okay well we're gonna get off here for now and we can't wait to see the tamber edits."Jenna says and ends the live

"I actually want to know who shot the gun."Mikey says when Jenna turns around in her lap

"I do too. We play the characters and still don't know."Jenna says laughing and Mikey laughs too

"I love you."Mikey says

"I love you too."Jenna says and kisses Mikey

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