Got Ya/ p3 Memories

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It's been ten months since Max and Tara got together, and ten months since they've seen Amber's ghost. Tara is sitting outside on the patio staring out into the yard, watching her and Max's new puppy run around.

"What are you thinking so hard about?"Max asks, sitting next to Tara

"How I could turn Wes and Judy in."Tara says

"Tell them straight up that Judy and Wes did it."Max says

"But I have no proof, and the sheriff isn't just going to confess."Tara says

"Why don't you trick Wes into confessing?"Max asks

"How?"Tara asks

"Well, no one besides you and Sam know about me and Amber looking exactly a like. So we could trick them into thinning. I'm Amber."Max says, smirking, and Tara smirks

"That's not a bad idea."Tara says, and Max shrugs

"Let's get this party started."Tara says

Tara invites Wes over, and Max hides in the kitchen until it's tien for her to show up.  Before Wes showed up, Tara hid a camera so she could show the police.

"Hey."Tara says, opening the door

"Hey."Wes says, smiling

When they walk into the living room and Max walks in.

"Hey baby, have you seen."Max stars saying but cuts herself off, looking up at Wes and Wes freezes.

"How are you alive? Me and mom killed you?"Wes asks

"I got ya."Max says, smirking

"Wait, what?"Wes asks

"Wes, meet my girlfriend Amber's twin cousin Max Fox."Tara says, smirking

"Well, yall don't have proof that I killed her."Wes says then runs out of the house

"That's what he thinks."Tara says and grabs the camera

"Smart idea, baby."Max says and pecks Tara's lips

"Well, technically, it was your idea. I just hid the camera."Tara says, and Max nods and kisses Tara again

When they get to the police station, they walk up to an officer.

"I'll get sheriff hicks for you."The officer says

"No, she did this crime. We're about to show you."Tara says, and the officer raises his eyebrow

Tara hands the phone to the officer. After he watches it, he goes to Judy's office and puts handcuffs on, then reads her her rights

"What is going on?"Judy asks

"Well, Judy hicks you killed my girlfriend Amber Freeman, and you just got caught."Tara says, smirking

"She's standing right there."Judy says

"I'm not Amber I'm Max I'm Amber's cousin."Max says and the officer takes Judy away


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