I did it for us/Tamber

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Four Murders in four days

It was a nightmare in this town. Everyone was afraid for their lives, which is understandable. I mean, they've watched stabbed and heard about Billy loomis and Stu macher going crazy and killing people, but they never thought it would happen again.

While Tara is standing in the kitchen making popcorn for her and guy best friend Marcus her phone buzzes when she unlocks it she sees its Amber texting her

Baby where are you?
Are you still coming over?

Tara completely forgot she was supposed to go to Amber's house tonight and she looks outside to see it's already to dark for her to walk to Amber's house.

I completely forgot I was
supposed to come over
tonight. Plus Marcus is
here and I don't want
to leave him here by
himself especially with
a killer running around.

Tara thinks about asking Amber to come over but that wouldn't be a good idea because Amber doesn't really like Marcus especially since Marcus told Tara he had a crush on her a few weeks ago.

"Tara where the popcorn?"Marcus yells from the living room

"It's done give me a minute."Tara says pulling the popcorn out the microwave

Tara looks at her phone to see Amber read the message but never responded which is unusual because Amber hates leaving Tara on read.

Tara walks into the living room and sits down next to Marcus and hands him the popcorn.

"Why do we always have to watch stab?"Tara asks annoyed

"Because its the best movie out there plus were going through the same shit now."Marcus says and Tara rolls her eyes

"I was thinking about inviting Amber over I totally forgot I was supposed to go over there tonight."Tara says

"You can't do that."Marcus says

"Why not?"Tara asks

"For one we haven't been able to hang out with just the two of us like we used to and for two your girlfriend hates me."Marcus says

"She doesn't hate you."Tara says rolling her eyes

"Yes she does. Every time I look at you talk to you or even smile at something you say she glares at me then gives me a look that says keeping doing that and I will kill you."Marcus says

"How are you two doing anyways?"Marcus asks still watching the movie and shoving popcorn into his mouth

"Good why?"Tara asks

"Just wondering."Marcus says

In the middle of the movie Tara looks down at her phone and sees that Amber still hasn't responded maybe she should've went to her house or invited Amber over.

"Tara."Marcus says looking over at Tara

"What?"Tara asks

"I- nothing its nothing important."Marcus says and Tara gives a weird confused look to Marcus

"Tell me."Tara says

"It's just I get a weird feeling when I'm around Amber. Plus she's very possessive."Marcus says

"Stop."Tara says

"No Tara you haven't been able to hang out with me in ages then when you're around your new friends you're always sitting in Amber's lap and never once go off with Wes or anyone else by yourself."Marcus says

"For one Wes has a crush on me that's why I don't go anywhere with him and for two I go off with Mindy and Liv by myself all the time so shut up and quit talking about stuff you don't know about."Tara says then gets up and walks off

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