Fight/Menna p3 MM Hickey

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"Maybe we just don't work anymore!"Jenna yells

"Maybe we don't!"Mikey yells back

"Great I hope you have a good fucking life."Jenna says throwing her ring at Mikey and walking out the house

How did they get in this situation well let's flash back to a few minutes ago.

"I already told you I didn't like you hanging out with her alone and you said that was fine!"Mikey yells

"You're being dramatic all we did was hang out at her house."Jenna says

"Yeah alone. You know I don't feel comfortable with that."Mikey says

"Oh my God Mikey stop its not like I slept with her."Jenna says

"That doesn't matter Jenna it still hurts knowing you went behind my back."Mikey says

"I didn't go behind your back I literally texted saying I'm gonna go hang out with Maddie."Jenna says rolling her eyes

"No you said Maddie and I are gonna go hang out with the fallout cast you never mentioned going to hang out with her by yourself. Do you have a crush on her or something."Mikey says

"So what if I do?"Jenna asks

"What?"Mikey asks in shock

"What if I do have a crush on Maddie?"Jenna asks

"Then we don't need to be together anymore."Mikey says

"Maybe we just don't work anymore!"Jenna yells

"Maybe we don't!"Mikey yells


"I fucking hate this."Mikey says throwing the ring at the wall

Mikey walks downstairs and starts throwing pictures of her and Jenna against the wall

A few minutes later Mikey walks downstairs and her best friend Jasmin walks in.

"Woah with calm down what's going on?"Jasmin asks shocked

"She's gone!"Mikey yells throwing another picture

"Calm down Maddie who's gone."Jasmin says

Mikey sits down on the couch sobbing.

"Jenna's gone."Mikey says

"What do you mean she's gone?"Jasmin asks

"We broke up."Mikey says and Jasmin jaw drops

"Why?"Jasmin asks

"She had a crush on Maddie"Mikey mumbles and sniffles

"You're lying."Jasmin says

"Yes she is."Jenna says from the door way

"Get out!"Mikey yells sobbing

"No you're going to fucking listen to me Mikey. I love you the whole thing yelling I have a crush on Maddie was bullshit I only did it because you hurt me and I wanted to show you how it felt if I said I agreed with you and now you fucking know how it feels to be broken when someone accuses you of something."Jenna says and Mikey doesn't say anything

"I'm gonna leave."Jasmin says and leaves

Mikey just lays down on the floor and Jenna walks over and lays down next to her and turns her to face her.

"I love you Mikey and I'm sorry I hung out with Maddie alone I just wanted to make you jealous which was a bad part on my side of this relationship I just find to cute when you're jealous but I shouldn't have done that."Jenna says and Mikey turns her head looking at Jenna

"I love you too but you throwing your engagement ring at me really sucked and it hurt."Mikey says

"Like by hurt you mean your feelings or physical?"Jenna asks

"Physical it hit my eyebrow."Mikey says laughing with Jenna

"I'm sorry."Jenna says

After a few seconds of silence Jenna starts leaning and kisses Mikey.

"You're crazy but I love you."Jenna says

Jenna leans back in and captures Mikey's lip in between hers and they start kissing harder and faster and Jenna climbs on top of Mikey and Mikey puts one hand in Jennas hair and the other on her hip.

They make out for a few minutes before Jenna pulls and just stares at Mikey.

"You know what's funny?"Maddie asks

"What?"Jenna asks

"We just recreated the scene from scream."Mikey says and Jenna laughs

"Yeah we did didn't we."Jenna says and kisses Mikey again


Amber is laying on the floor groaning when Tara walks over and lays down on top of her.

"You're crazy but I love you."Tara says and Amber smiles and pulls Tara into a kiss.


"I have an idea."Mikey says

"What?"Jenna asks

Mikey stands up holding Jenna and she walks to their room and puts Jenna on the bed. Mikey walks over to her closet where the ring is laying and picks it up then walks over to Jenna and puts it back on her finger

"This is yours and don't you ever take it off again."Mikey says and Jenna smiles and kisses Mikey

"I'm sorry for what I said I know it was wrong."Jenna says

"Its fine baby. Yes it hurt but I get why you did it."Mikey says

"No its not fine why can't you just be mad at me for once."Jenna says whining and Mikey laughs

"Fine I'm mad at you so mad at you."Mikey says and Jenna laughs and kisses Mikey

"I love you."Jenna says against Mikey's lips

"I love you too."Mikey says

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