Touch her and I'll kill you

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Mindy, Chad, Wes, and Liv are all sitting at their so called pinic table at school tlaking and hanging out waiting for Tara and Amber to show up.

"This is the longest Tamber has taken to get here."Liv says

"I bet twenty bucks they fucking."Mindy says

"Twenty says they're not."Wes says

"Deal."Mindy says

Tara and Amber walk over to their friends.

"Tara come on you're overreacting."Amber says

"You say that everytime I tell you about it."Tara says rolling her eyes

"Because you over react every time."Amber says and Tara scoffs

"I'm done talking to you."Tara says and sits in betwren Chad and Wes and Amber rolls her eyes

"What are yall arguing about?"Mindy asks

"This girl named Anna keeps flirting with Amber and its starting to piss me off and today she rubbed her hand against Amber's arm and I lashed out on her."Tara says

"That's an understatement Tara punched her and yelled in her face."Amber says and Mindy snickers and Amber glares at her

After a few minutes of hanging out everyone goes home besides Tara and Amber.

"Baby come on stop and lets go."Amber says

"No I'm walking home."Tara says and starts walking off

"No the fuck you're not there is too many creeps out here for you to walk jome by yourself."Amber saye and grabs Tara's arm and Tara yanks her arm away

"Don't touch me."Tara says

"This is getting out of hand please let's just talk about this in the car."Amber says and Tara sighs and walks to Amber's car with Amber following

When they get in the car Amber locks the doors and pulls Tara into her lap.

"Look baby I'm sorry I yelled at you for yelling at Anna she deserved getting yelled at but you really shouldn't have done it in front of the teacher."Amber says

"I couldn't help it she always trying to steal you from me and it really pissed me off when she touched you."Tara says

"I know baby but I promise you she isn't going to steal me away from you."Amber says and Tara smiles and leans down and kisses Amber. When they pull away they both smile at each other.

The next day at school Tara is at her locker talking to Mindy when Ann walks up.

"Tara."Anna says and Tara turns around rolls her eyes

"What?"Tara asks annoyed

"I have a bone to pick with you."Anna says

Tara holds her hands out in the air and looks around and Anna does a confused face just like mindy.

"What are you doing?"Anna asks confused

"I'm waiting for a fuck to fall into my hand so I give it to you."Tara says and Mindy bursts out laughing and Anna rolls her eyes and slaps Tara's hands down

"Don't fuck touch me moron."Tara says and Anna rolls her eyes and Nana goes to swing but stops when she hears a voice.

"Touch her and I'll kill you."Amber says coldly that it even sends shivers foen Tara's spine

"I'm sorry."Anna says and runs off

"You alright?"Amber asks walking over to Tara

"Yeah I'm fine thanks baby."Tara says and pecks Amber's lips and Amber smiles

"Amber did you see Tara holding her hands up."Mindy asks

"What do you mean?"Amber asks confused

"Anna said she had a bone to picm with me so I heled my hands up and said I'm waiting for a fuck to fall into my hands so I can give it to you."Tara says and shrugs like its a normal thing

"God baby what am I going to do with you."Amber says

"Love me."Tara says shrugging

"I can do that."Amber says and kisses Tara

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