I can't help /Tamber

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Everyone is staying at Tara and Amber's house since it's been awhile since everyone was together. The last time they all hung out together was Tara and Amber's wedding which was nine months ago.

Right now they're all watching a movie or so Tara thought. She's the only one up even her wife is asleep on the floor with their new puppy Midnight. Tara wants to go outside but she doesn't want to go alone.

After debating on whether to wake up Amber or not she decides to.

"Amber baby."Tara whispers and shakes Amber

"What's wrong?"Amber asks yawning

"Nothing I just can't sleep and I want to go outside but I don't want to go alone."Tara says

"Okay let's go."Amber says stretching then walking outside with her wife and their puppy

Midnight runs into the yard sniffing around and Tara and Amber sit on the patio of the house.

Tara looks up at the sky and smiles at the stars and moon.

"Isn't the view beautiful."Tara says

"Yeah it is."Amber says and Tara looks at Amber to onlt find Amber staring at her smiling

"You're not even looking."Tara says

"Why look at those stars when my star is right in front of me."Amber says and Tara blushes and pushes Amber's shoulder playfully

"You're a cheese ball."Tara says and Amber laughs

"Yeah only for you."Amber says and Tara sughs happily and lays her on Amber's shoulder.

Amber kisses Tara's head then wraps an arm around Tara's shoulders and leans her head againist Tara and looks up at the stars with Tara.

"Look it's the little dipper and the big dipper."Tara says excitedly and Amber can't help but smile

"You know I'm really happy I married you."Amber says and Tara looks back at Amber

"You are?"Tara asks smiling

"Yeah, I love you with my whole enitre soul Tara Freeman I know for a fact ypu are my soulmate it might've taken us a bit to realize it but I'm just glad that we finally did, because without you I wouldn't know what to do with my life. You bring so much joy in my life, so much happiness. All I have to do is think about you when I'm having a bad day and then I'm all smiley and googly eyes again. I know we've been together for some quite time now but I can't help but still get butterflies when you smile I can't help smile when you get excited over little things, I can't help but get fireworks inside of me when we kiss every kiss, every touch, every eye contact, every little single thing you and I do gives me butterflies fireworks and a burnign sensation inside of me. And that's all I ever wanted when I was growing up so when you and I and I dtarted realizing that you were doing that to me all I could think about it damn I have to make this girl mine. So June twenty nineth seven years ago I finally made you mine and September fifth I asked you to marry me a year ago and nine months in December tenth we said I do and Baby if I never did anybting right in my life saying I do was one of them."Amber says and Tara can't help tear up

"I love you so much."Tara says

"I love you too."Amber says then leans down and kisses Tara slowly

Midnight runs over to them and breaks their kiss up by licking Tara's cheek

"Yeah yeah Midnight we know you live her also."Amber says scratching bheinf the puppies ear making him kick his leg ans the couple laugh at him

"I believe you're my soulmate also."Tara says and Amber smiles the biggest she has ever smiled before.

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