Scared of losing you/Menna p2 MM Hickey

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When Mikey gets home she decides to do an Instagram live before she takes a nap.

Once Mikey wakes up she hears people talking down stairs and when she walks downstairs she can't help but roll her eyes seeing Maddie and Jenna laughing and talking while sitting on the couch.

"No you're the one who messed up the kissing scene."Jenna says laughing

"Because you bit my lip."Maddie says

"Because it was in the script."Jenna says

"I didn't read it on mine."Maddie says

"No duh dumb ass you don't play vada. In my script it says Mia and Vada make out and vada bites Mia's lip."Jenna says

"Let me see."Maddi says laughing

"Well I obviously leave the script on set incase I forget my lines."Jenna says

"That's smart I should do that."Maddie says

"You should."Jenna says

Mikey just rolls her eyes and walks into the kitchen.

"Well I'll see you tomorrow."Maddie says once Mikey gets into the kitchen

After Maddie leaves Jenna walks to the kitchen and hops up on the counter next to Mikey who is now cooking.

"How was the rest of your day?"Jenna asks

"Fine."Mikey says and Jenna pouts

"Why are you mad at me?"Jenna asks

"I know the lip biting wasn't in the script Jenna I read your script."Mikey says

"They gave us a new script."Jenna says and Mikey just hums and Jenna gets annoyed

"Why are you acting so jealous all of sudden it honestly getting annoying it was cute at first but you're just being dramatic at this point."Jenna says

Mikey gets upset over this and just walks off after turning off the stove.

Jenna groans in annoyance when Mikey walks off.

Once Mikey gets outside she sits on the patio and stares at the grass.

Jenna sighs and walks outside and sits next to her.

After a few seconds of silence Jenna nudges her shoulder to Mikey's and Mikey just look at her with teary eyes.

"I can't help but get jealous."Mikey says

"Why are you jealous?"Jenna asks

"Because I'm scared."Mikey says sighing

"Scared of what?"Jenna asks not even being annoyed with Mikey anymore just more worried

"I'm scared of losing you Jenna. You mean everything to me."Mikey says

"Baby you're not going to lose me."Jenna says

"It's just everyone is posting online how cute you and Maddie are and how yall should be together and how you and I should break up because Maddie deserves you and I don't."Mikey says

"It doesn't matter what everyone thinks or says I'm yours and nothing or no one is going to change that."Jenna says and Mikey looks at Jenna smiling and Jenna smiles back at her

"I love you."Mikey says

"I love you too."Jenna says and leans in and captures Mikey's lips in between hers.

Jenna pulls away biting maddies bottom lip and Mikey moans and Jenna smirks.

"See now that lip bite was real."Jenna says and Mikey pulls Jenna into her lap hugging her and Jenna laughs

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