You're mine/Tamber p2 I did it for us

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It's been three months.

And not one murder has been solved Tara went to the funerals with Amber and acted like she didn't know anything.

It's was twisted sick and disturbing but Tara couldn't turn Amber in she loved Amber too much and Amber loved her. That's why she killed those people.

Nothing has changed since then Amber and Tara still clinged to each other like they always have. Amber still was the over protective possessive girlfriend.

Tara spent every night at Amber's house and it wasn't like her parents could stop her dad was dead and her mom was a drug head that didn't a fuck about her.

Tara made Amber promise that she wasn't going to kill anyone else for any reason. Tara promise Amber that she wouldn't give Amber a reason to kill and Amber agreed and it's been going great. Until now Tara's older sister Sam showed back up and she Tara she wasn't allowed to leave the house tonight because she didn't want Tara to run into Ghostface. Little did Sam know that even if Tara ran into Ghostface she would be fine.

Where are you?!

I can't come tonight Sam
showed up and she's
not letting me leave the house.
I'll see you at school tomorrow

After dinner and a shower Tara walks out her bathroom and sees Amber sitting on her bed.

"Baby what are you doing here?"Tara asks

"Nobody is going to keep you away from me."Amber says smiling and Tara can't help belt melt on the inside.

"I remember what I've done to the people who tried to take you away from me."Amber says Tara walks over and puts her hands on Amber's cheeks

"Amber."Tara says

"I know I know. I'm trying for you baby like I promised but you have to work with me here."Amber says

Amber dips her fingers into Tara's underwear and circles Tara's clit and Tara gasp.

"You're mine. Your boobs are mine, your lips are mine, your tounge is mine, this pussy is mine. I want you to be in my bed every night do you understand."Amber says rubbing Tara harder

"Yes."Tara moans out

Amber flips them over to where she's laying on top of Tara and her hands are on Tara's wrist pinning them above her head

"If there's one night you don't show up I will sneak in here and fuck you so hard that China could hear you."Amber says then bites Tara's lip drawing some blood and Tara moans at the pain.

"We have to be quiet."Tara says

"That's all on you baby girl."Amber says

Amber shoves three fingers into Tara without warning and Tara tries to muffle her moan but fails which makes Amber smirk.

"I'm going to fuck you so hard that Sam is going to run in here and catch us."Amber whispers into Tara's ear then nibbles on it and Tara moans

Amber takes off the rest of her and Tara's clothes and she lays down on the bed.

"I want you to ride my tounge."Amber says and Tara nods and gets on top of Amber's face and and sits. Amber shoves her tounge into Tara and Tara moans and moves her hips back and forth.

After a few seconds Tara cums and Amber licks her clean. Tara gets off of Amber's face and lays down.

"My beautiful girl."Amber says wrapping her hand around Tara's neck and Tara moans and bites her lip

"Rub your clit against mine."Tara says and Amber smirks

Amber found out that Tara has found a new way to pleasure both of them and Amber isn't going to lie she loves it it feels amazing.

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