Rumor came true/Menna

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"Hey guys, I'm Jenna Madison."Jenna says, smiling

"My wife."Mikey says cheering, and Jenna laughs

"Yes, we're finally married."Jenna says

"Yes, we are, and by the way, as yall know, I'm Mikey Madison."Mikey says, waving at the camera

"So we're going to be answering yells most asked questions."Jenna says, holding up a phone. The stage hand handed her

"How long has Jenna and Mikey been together."Jenna reads

"Four years seven months and eleven days."Mikey says, and Jenna laughs

"I didn't know you knew the months and days."Jenna says

"Of course I do, baby."Mikey says

"Where did Mikey and Jenna meet?"Jenna reads

"Well, a lot of people don't know this. We actually met a year before we started filming scream five. We met at a party, and Mikey came up to me saying how she thought I was gorgeous and was wondering if she could have my number."Jenna says

"And she gave it to me."Mikey says, smiling at Jenna, and Jenna blushes

"What's the craizet rumor about Mikey?"Jenna reads

"There was a rumor that I was dead."Mikey says, and her and Jenna laugh

"Oh my God, I remember that I actually texted you. Are you dead."Jenna says

"I was so confused and texted what."Mikey says

"Then I was getting phone calls after phone from everyone asking if I was dead."Mikey says, laughing

* A few months later,

"Mikey Madison has died in a car accident today. Her and her wife we're on their way home from the making of Wednesday when a drunk driver ram a red light and hit on Mikeys side of the car, killing her with impact. Jenna Madison is in the hospital in critical condition."A news reporter says

"Hey baby."Mikey says, smiling

"Where are we?"Jenna asks, looking around seeing a white glowing light

"I don't really know, but I know you can't stay here."Mikey says

"What? I'm not going back down there without."Jenna says

"Yes, you are. You can't stay here and look at everyone in the hospital room."Mikey says, looking down and Jenna looks down and sees all her friends from Wednesday and screams five and six are in the room with her parents and siblings.

"No, there's no point in me living if you're not there."Jenna says

"Yes, there is you're in the middle of Wednesday, and you have so many people who care about you."Mikey says

"No, I'm not going."Jenna says

"Yes, you are. I love you."Mikey says then pushes Jenna

Jenna jolts awake, and Emma runs over and hugs her.

"Oh my God, I'm so glad you're okay."Emma says, crying and pulling away, and Jenna just sobs

"How am I going to make it without her? we just married seven months ago."Jenna says, sobbing into Emma's shirt, and everyone starts tearing up

"The rumors of Mikey Madison dying have now come true people blame the drunk driver, but some people are blaming people for speaking it into existence. But all of our hearts are with her wife Jenna Madison or better known as Jenna ortega."A news reporter says

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