Control/ Tamber

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Tara used to date Wes before Amber came to woodsboro. Wes can't stand Amber at all anymore, He really didn't like her to began with but he was still civil with her when they were around each other. But now he can't even stand breathing he same air as her. 

"You're just mad because she chose me over you."Amber says  

"She was my girlfriend and I liked her."Wes says

"You didn't like her, you just liked to have control over her."Amber says

"What if I said I wanted her back?"Wes asks smirking

"Isn't it a beautiful day?"Mindy asks fake laughing knowing Amber is most likely about to kill Wes 

"You can say you want her back all you want, but will you get her back? No i didn't think so."Amber says fake smiling 

"I can steal her back if I wanted to."Wes says 

"That's funny you think that."Amber says 

"Plus why would she leave me to go back to the guy who who would control her."Amber says 

"I didn't control her."Wes says 

"You would tell her she couldn't go anywhere unless you went, you told her she couldn't hang out with chad alone which is weird as fuck because they're like brother ad sister, and on top of that you would control what she would wear."Amber says 

"Guys were always looking at her breasts or ass when she wore a crop top or skirt."Wes says

"So what?! She was you girlfriend you should've known it didn't matter what others thought or said about her she would go home to you."Amber says rolling her eyes 

"No I did her a favor. Plus I don't know how you let her wear revealing clothes like that."Wes says

"For one it's her body she can do or wear whatever she wants. For two I don't care what other guys or girls think or say about her or body because I know she's mine and will come back to my house with me at the end of the day. I'm not into controlling Tara like you did the only time I control her is in bed."Amber says smirking and Mindy laughs

"You shouldn't let her wear short skirts or crop top men look."Wes says

"So don't look pervert."Amber says shrugging

"Maybe I want to look."Wes says 

"Oh look it's Tara hi Tara."Liv says fake laughing 

"What's going on? Liv looks scared, Mindy looks annoyed, and Chad is looking at me like he needs help."Tara says 

Amber doesn't pay attention and starts on Wes again.

"If you look that's your problem it's not mine. She belongs to me now so get over it. If you want to keep looking at her breasts like you are now I know how to fight and I will fight you until you can't fight no more."Amber says ad Wes rolls his eyes and looks at from Tara at Amber 

"I'm the quarterback of the football team I'll beat you."Wes says

"That don't mean shit I've already beat up Austin, Kyle, Brad, and Sampson which I remind you are also of the football team and baseball team I'm not scared of you."Amber says

"Alright you two stop."Tara says

"she started it."Wes says

"Actually you did. You Told Amber Tara didn't belong with her."Chad says 

"Whatever."Wes says and walks off 

"Hey baby."Amber says smiling 

"Hey."Tara says smiling back 

"That's cute."Mindy says

"What is?"Tara asks as Amber pulls her down into her lap

"How amber was all pissed off and as soon as Wes walked off and Amber noticed you were here she went to smiling and went al googly eyed."Mindy says and Tara smiles when Amber cuddles her face into her breasts 

"I love you."Amber whispers into Tara's breasts 

"I love you too baby."Tara says back and kisses Amber's head

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