I want to be normal again/Tamber

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It's been a year since the friends and Sam fought off Ghostface. Now they're all living in New York, and Mindy, Chad, Tara, and Amber are going to college. Tara, Amber, and Sam share an apartment with a girl named Quinn. Sam made an ad saying they needed a roommate, and Quinn answered it.

Amber and Tara share a room, and they love it, and unlike Quinn, they know how to keep it down when people are home.
There are times when Tara will moan so loud that China can hear it. Sam knew the only reason Tara would moan loud is because she made Amber jealous or someone was flirting with Tara or looking at Tara for too long, and Amber wanted everyone to know that Tara belonged to her.

Right now, while Sam is at the therapist, the friends are at a party.When Sam leaves the therapist, she dials Tara's number, and it goes straight to voicemail.

"Hey, it's Tara. You should be texting me."Tara says

"Definitely should be! calling could be ruining our sex session."Amber says

"Babe!"Tara yells, and the voice mail ends

Sam rolls her eyes at Amber's sentence.

"Tara you know you're supposed to pick up the phone when I call but I got out of therapy early and I was hoping you and I could cook together then you Amber Quinn and I could watch TV."Sam says then ends the end call button

When Sam gets back to the apartment, she calls out Amber and Tara's name, and Quinn walks out of her room.

"Where's Amber and Tara?"Sam asks

"If I told you you would be mad."Quinn says

"I won't be mad."Sam says

"They went to the party."Quinn says

"I told them not to go."Sam says

"And we have arrived to being mad. Sam, come on, you have to let them live a little. Plus, Amber won't let anything happen to Tara. You told me yourself that when Richie shot the gun at Tara, Amber jumped in front of her, and she got shot instead."Quinn says

"It's not Amber. I'm worried about it."Sam says

"Obviously, you're worried about Tara, but Amber has her, and you know Amber won't let anything happen to her."Quinn says, walking over to Sam, who is looking at the guy across the hall

"Oohhh, cute guy."Quinn says

"Who's cute?"Quinns hook up screams out

"No one."Quinn yells back

"I'm going to the party to get Tara."Sam says and leaves

"Tara is going to be so pissed at me."Quinn says and walks back to her room.

"Hey, I'm going to go hang out with some people from my class. You wanna come with me."Amber says into Tara's ear

"No, I'm good here."Tara says

"Please be careful."Amber says, kissing Tara's cheek multiple times, and Tara giggles, which makes Amber smile

"I will."Tara says and turns her head to kiss Amber

"I love you."Amber says

"I love you too."Tara says, and Amber pecks Tara's lips one last time before she un tangles herself from Tara and walks off.

Tara walks into the kitchen, stumbling.

"Hey, I'm Frankie."Frankie says

"Tara."Tara says

"I have some fireball up in my room if you want to go."Frankie says

"I don't think my girlfriend would like me going up there alone."Tara says, laughing

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