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No one besides Jenna  and Mikey's friends knows that Mikey has a penis. Mikey doesn't know how but somehow pictures of her in her boxers got leaked and you can obviously see her buldge in the boxers and there's some people calling her a freak and some people making sexual comments about it, and it's making her upset and uncomfortable.

It brings back memories from when she was in high school when some girls at school found out she had a penis they went around making freak comments and sexual comments.

Mikey is sitting in her and Jenna's bed crying when Jenna walks in.

"Baby what's wrong?"Jenna asks worriedly and runs over to Mikey

"Pictures of me in my boxers got leaked and some people are calling me a freak and some are making sexual comments about how they would tie me uo and ride my dick all night."Mikey says crying

"Hey its going to be okay this will all pass and people will not even worry about it anymore."Jenna says hugging Mikey and kisses her head

"It's uncomfortable for people that aren't you making sexual comments about me."Mikey says

"I know baby and if you want I can say something about it on the internet."Jenna says

"No just sit here and cuddle with me and let me know you love me."Mikey says

"Baby you know I love you."Jenna says

"Don't you ever wonder what it would be like without me having a penis."Mikey says

"No baby because you're perfect. Plus if you didn't have a penis then we wouldn't be having a baby."Jenna says and Mikey's breath hitches and she sits up and looks at Jenna smiling

"You're pregnant?"Mikey asks

"Yes."Jenna says and Mikey kisses Jenna hard but slow

"I love you so much."Mikey says

"I love you too now do you beileve me that you are normal."Jenna says and Mikey nods smiling

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