I'm sorry/ memories P2

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After Tara cries in Sam's arms for an hour, she goes up to her room , takes a shower, and then lays down on her bed.

"Tara baby."Tara hears Amber's voice say

"Amber?"Tara says, sitting up

"Hey baby."Amber says, smiling

"You're dead. How are you here?"Tara asks

"Well, I'm here to tell you to move on."Amber says

"I can't do that. I love you."Tara says, crying

"I love you too more than you'll ever know."Amber says, sitting next to Tara

Tara lays her head on Amber's shoulder, and Amber smiles and wraps her arms around her.

"How can you touch me if you're a ghost?"Tara asks

"I don't know. I haven't really figured out death yet. But I can tell you who killed me."Amber says

"Who?"Tara asks

"Wes and his mom."Amber says

"How did they kill you? You're like the strongest person I know. Plus, you and Wes got into a fight you and won."Tara says

"I was texting a message to you and facing the stove cooking, and the next thing you know, I have a knife going through my stomach."Amber says

"I fucking hate him."Tara says

"Yeah so do I. I mean I was proposing to you that night."Amber says

"Now I have to live without you."Tara says

"I'll always be here for you."Amber says

"But I won't be able to see you and I won't be able to marry you or have a family with you."Tara says crying into Amber's neck

"Baby calm down."Amber says and Tara sniffles and looks up at her

"Don't tell me calm down I have to live without you. What am I going to do when you disappear again."Tara says

"Well, I talked to my cousin today also to say she was freaked out is an understatement."Amber says laughing, and Tara giggles and wipes her tears

"I mean, you would freak out if you saw your dead cousin popped up in your room."Tara says

"Yeah, that's true. But anyways I talked to her, and I told her to keep you company, and she's moving out here."Amber says

"Which cousin?"Tara asks

"Max fox."Amber says, smiling

"She's the one that looks exactly like you."Tara says

"Yeah, that's her. Our mothers were twins."Amber says

"Amber, I can't do that. She looks exactly like you that'd going to tear me apart."Tara says

"I know, but who knows you might fall her too."Amber says smiling, and Tara sighs

"I'm sorry but I have to go. I love you."Amber says, kissing Tara's head and then disappearing.

"Tara, someone is here for you, and she looks exactly like Amber."Sam says, and Tara opens the door

"Tara."Max says

"Max."Tara says excitedly and hugs Max

Sam smiles at Tara and Max she hasn't seen Tara this happy since Amber died, and she doesn't want to ruin the moment, but she wants to know why this girl looks so much like Amber.

"Who is this, and why does she look exactly like Amber?"Sam asks

"This is max Amber's cousin. Their mothers were twins."Tara says, and Sam nods

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