Another Ghostface?/Tamber p3 I did it for us

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Amber ended up killing Lilly and Tara found out when Amber came home one night at two in the morning with blood on the Ghostface mask. Tara was mad but understood why Amber did it. Amber also may or may not have fucked the madness out of Tara who knows.

Right now Tara is bored their friends have been coming over every day for the past three weeks and it's starting to annoy Tara. She misses hanging out with Amber by herself.

Amber is playing call of duty with Chad and Tara is getting annoyed because they've been playing together for the last two hours and Amber has not once checked up on Tara.

"Tara wanna come hang out with me outside?"Wes asks

"Sure."Tara says and follows Wes outside.

When they get there Tara sits on the patio and Wes sits next to her.

"Seems like you're annoyed that Amber isn't giving you attention."Wes says

"Yeah well you would be to if your girlfriend wasn't paying attention to you."Tara says with an attitude

"Calm down dude."Wes says and Tara sighs

"Sorry I'm just so used to Amber giving me attention 24/7."Tara says

"I know."Wes says

"Tara Amber is looking for you."Mindy says from the back door

"Tell her I'm outside."Tara says and Mindy walks back inside and Amber walks out a few seconds later

"Ight Wes beat it."Amber says and Wes rolls his eyes and walks inside

Amber walks over and sits next to Tara and wraps her arms around Tara's shoulder and Tara lays her head on Amber's shoulder.

"I'm sorry I haven't been paying attention to you."Amber whispers against Tara's head

"It's fine."Tara mumbles

"No its not I know you've been upset and annoyed that I've been ignoring you and I'm sorry."Amber says and Tara looks up and leans in and kisses Amber. Amber smiles and kisses her back.

"I love you."Tara says

"I love you too baby."Amber says and kisses

"Hey Amber come beat Chad in mortal kombat!"Mindy yells out the door and Amber looks at Tara and Tara looks at the ground sighing

"Not right now Mindy."Amber says and Tara smiles and Mindy walks inside

Amber wraps her arms around again and pulls Tara back into her.

The next day Tara is sitting in her room waiting on Amber to get there. Tara finished getting ready twenty minutes ago and Amber said she would be there in thirty so Tara was anxiously waiting for ten minutes to go but then someone knocked on her bedroom door.

"Wes, what are you doing here, and how did you get into my house?"Tara asks, opening the door

"Front door was un locked."Wes says, shrugging and walks into the room and sits on Tara's bed.

"Dude, Amber's is going to be here any minute."Tara says

"Cool."Wes says

"Do you know how it's going to look with us two in the room by ourselves."Tara says

"Oh come on, we're just friends Amber knows that."Wes says, smirking, and Tara rolls her eyes

"No, I need you to go."Tara says

"I don't think I will."Wes says and pins Tara to the wall by her hips, and Tara screams and tries to push him off, but he won't budge

When Amber walks into Taras's house, she hears stars scream, and she runs up to her room to Wes. She has Tara pinned to the wall.

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