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Mikey is at the park playing basketball with her friends when she sees a girl walking by with some friends and she drops the ball and stares at the girl in aww.

"Mikey, hello."Mikeys friends Connor says

"What?"Mikey asks, looking back at Connor

"You were supposed to shoot. You just zoned out."Connor says

"Are you alright?"Mikeys, other friend Tasha asks

"Yeah, I'm good. Let's just get this over with."Mikey says and shoots the ball, and it goes into the goal.

"In your faces told you we would win."Tasha says to their other friends

"Yeah, because Mikey is on yalls, team, that's why."Cameron says, and everyone nods

"Hey, I'll see you all later."Mikey says and walks off

While Mikey is walking around trying to find the girl she saw earlier, she runs into someone.

"I am so sorry. I should've watched where I was going."Mikey says

"No, you're fine."The girl says, and when Mokey looks up, she notices it's the girl she was looking for

"Oh hi."Mikey says, smiling

"Hi."The girl says, smiling

"I'm Mikey."Mikey says, holding her hand out

"Jenna."Jenna says and shakes mikeys hand

"I was just coming to look for you."Mikey says

"Did you want a picture or an autograph?"Jenna asks

"What do you mean?"Mikey asks, confused

"Well, I assumed you were a fan, and that's why you were looking for me."Jenna asks

"Umm, I didn't know you were famous."Mikey says

"Well, that's a first."Jenna says

"I'm sorry?"Mikey asks

"Oh no, don't be, it's actually nice to have someone looking for me, not because I'm famous but because they like me."Jenna says

"How do you know I like you?"Mikey asks

"Just bt the way you're acting, it seems like you have a crush on me."Jenna says

"Well, dang."Mikey says, blushing

"Well here's my number call me sometime but I have to go."Jenna says, handing Mikey a piece of paper and then walking off

"Mikey focus."Mikey says blushing hard

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