MM Hickey/Menna

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Jenna is standing in her and Mikey's bathroom, brushing her teeth when Mikey comes in and wraps her arms around Jenna's waist from behind and Jenna spits out her tooth paste and looks in the mirror at Mikey smiling.

"Good morning."Jenna says happily while turning off the water

"Why are you so happy this morning?"Mikey says while sticking her face in Jenna's neck

"Because it's the first day of filming The Fallout"Jenna says, and Mikey doesn't say anything and juts hugs Jenna tighter

"Baby, if you hug me, any tighter I might explode."Jenna says laughing, and Mikey groans

"It's too early for this."Mikey says

"Then go back to bed."Jenna says

"No, I promised that I would go with you to set today since it's your first day of filming."Mikey says

"It's fine if you don't go. Maddie will be there her and I have gotten close these last few months, so I'll be fine."Jenna says, and Mikey looks at Jenna in the mirror

"That makes me want to go even more."Mikey says

"Baby, you have nothing to worry about. Maddie is just a friend, I promise. But you, on the other hand, are my girlfriend, and you would be my fiancée if you would propose."Jenna says

"Give me some time, woman."Mikey says laughing

Jenna turns around and wraps her arms around Mikey's neck and leans against the bathroom counter.

"We've been together for two years now."Jenna says

"Baby most people date for four to six years."Mikey says

"Yeah but you promised me that we wouldn't do that."Jenna says

"We won't I promise you that I'm working on it but you just have to give me time to get it ready."Mikey says while looking at Jenna's lips

"If you're going to stare at my lips just me kiss me already."Jenna says and Mikey smiles and leans down and captures Jenna's lips into hers.

It starts to get heated and Mikey picks Jenna up and sits her up on the counter without breaking the kiss.

Mikey pulls away from Jenna making her groan but quickly turns into a moan when Mikey attaches her lips to Jenna's neck.

They're moment gets ruined when Jenna's phone starts ringing.

Jenna answers her phone whole Maddie still sucks on her neck.

"Hello?"Jenna says with a shakily voice

"Jenna where are you we start filming in thirty minutes."Maddie says

"They said we weren't filming til six it's only four in the morning now.""Jenna says

"Yeah but Niles just told me they decided to start filming now so you better hurry your ass up."Maddie says then hangs up

"There all done."Mikey says looking at Jenna's neck smirking and Jenna goes wide eyed knowing exactly what Mikey did.

Jenna hops off the counter and turns around and sees a big ass hickey Mikey left on her neck in the shape on M.

"Now everyone will know you belong to me."Mikey says smirking and softly kisses Jenna and Jenna starts laughing

"What's so funny?"Mikey asks

"Well baby Maddie's name also starts with an M."Jenna says and Mikey glares at Jenna

"Fine if you want more I'll give you more."Mikey says and picks Jenna up and walking them over to their bed

Mikey falls forward making Jenna's back hit their bed.

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