who will break/Tamber

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"Let's play a game."Tara says to her girlfriend of two years

"Okay what game?"Amber asks

"Who will break game."Tara says

"What's that?"Amber asks

"We just tell each other random things and try to get the other to break."Tara says

"Like break into a make out session ro break into a sex session?"Amber asks

"Sex session. If I win you have to take me anywhere I want."Tara says

"Okay if I win you have to come with me to see the new stab movie."Amber says knowing Tara hates the stab series

"Deal."Tara says and kisses Amber to make the deal final

"Sadly I don't have your last name but I can sure as he'll scream your first one."Tara says and Amber looks at her smirking

"Oh you're definitely going to be screaming it tonight."Amber says pinning Tara into the wall bt her hips then capturing Tara's lips in between hers

"Why can't I just scream it now?"Tara asks against Amber's lips

"We can if you guide my hands wherever you want them."Amber says kissing Tara's neck and Tara moans and grabd Amber's her sliding down to her crotch but then pushes Amber off her when she realizes they're made a bet.

"I almost had you baby."Amber says smirking

"Fuck this game."Tara says

"You're the one who decided we should play so do you give up or you wanna keep playing?"Amber asks smirking

"Oh we gonna play."Tara says

Tara walks over to Amber and puts her mouth right against Amber's ear

"Give me hickeys everywhere so everyone knows I'm yours."Tara whispers then bites Amber's ear making Amber moan

"Fuck you."Amber says when Tara pulls back

"You could if you let me win."Tara says smirking

"Not happening."Amber says walking away and sitting on the couch

Tara smirks and walks over and sits in Amber's lap wrapping her arms around Amber's neck and Amber being Amber and not being able to resists her girlfriend she oust her hands on Tara's hips.

"You're cute and all but later I'm gonna have you pinned to that wall with my hand around your throat while my other hand in exploring your body and we're both struggling to breathe."Amber says and Tara gulps which makes Amber smirks

"The neighbors are definitely going to learn your name if they don't know it by now."Tara says and Amber looks at Tara with am I winning look

"Shut up and fuck me until I can't walk anymore."Tara says

"With pleasure."Amber says and she flip them over and starts sucking on Tara's neck

Short but I'm literally out of ideas send me some!!!!!

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