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It's been a year since the Ghostface attack. A year since Tara, Amber, Sam, Chad, and Mindy moved to New York.

It's been great so far, but Tara is insecure about all the scars she got from Richie when he stabbed her. She doesn't like the way she looks at all. She doesn't know why Amber is still with her.

The more Tara looks at herself in the mirror, the uglier she gets as she thinks. She doesn't know what she's going to do when they all go swimming at the beach this summer like they planned because she doesn't want people to stare at her and judge her or think she's ugly.

"Babe."Tara says

"What's up, baby?"Ambet asks, walking over to Tara and wrapping her arms around her waist from behind.

"Why are you with me? Look how ugly I am. All these scars make me look like a zombie."Tara says, crying

"Baby you're ugly you're drop dead  fucking gorgeous. And you don't look like a zombie you're way prettier then any zombie I've ever seen. Plus, all these scars have a story to tell and show that you survived a battle that some people don't."Amber says and kisses Taras cheek, and Tara sniffles

"Are you sure?"Tara asks.

Amber  doesn't say anything. All she does is let go of Tara and walk in front of her and bend down and kiss every single scar on Tara's stomach.  When she's done, she stands back up.

"Baby I promise you that I find your fucking gorgeous. If I didn't, I wouldn't be here right now in this room with you. So yes, I'm sure of everything I just said."Amber says, and Tara smiles and pulls Amber down into a kiss by her neck.

"You always know how to reassure me when I feel insecure."Tara says, smiling

"That's my job, baby."Amber says and kisses Tara again

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