Am I in trouble/Menna

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"Mikey, do you want to go to the store with me?"Jenna asks, walking into the living room

"Why'd you call me Mikey? You never call me Mikey. Am I in trouble."Mikey asks, fake laughing

"No, you're not in trouble. Why would you be in trouble."Jenna asks, ignoring Mikey's other sentences

"You called Mikey. You never call me Mikey it's always baby babe or love."Amber says

"I just didn't feel like calling you any of those names."Jenna says, shrugging

"No, don't call me Mikey I don't like it."Mikey says

"Well, it's your name. What else am I supposed to call you?"Tara asks

"Baby, babe, my love, my world. Anything but my name."Mikey says, and Tara laughs

"I'm sorry baby I was just fucking with you."Jenna says siting down in Mikey's lap and Mikey groans and hugs Jenna putting her face in Jenna's chest

"Don't ever do that again I thought I did something wrong."Mikey mumbles and Jenna laughs

"I'm sorry baby I love you."Jenna says

"I love you too."Mikey says

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