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I'm sorry, guys, but I'm going to take a break for a few days, maybe even a few weeks. Who knows yet. I told my crush that I liked her and she felt the same but she couldn't be with me because she had a boyfriend. But idk how you can date someone and have a crush on someone else. She said she would be dating me if it was for him, and idk how to feel about that. And last night she stayed the night at my house and we talked about shit and just scrolled through tiktok and we talked about the whole crush thing and now today her bf and her are arguing and I feel like it's my fault. And she keeps saying it isn't because they have been arguing for the last few days, but today is just worse because she stayed the night with me. And Idk what to feel think feel or say anymore and I don't even have any motivation to write right now because how can I write a happy relationship between Tamber or Menna
when my love life is falling apart.

I hope yall understand.

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