She's gone/Tamber

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"Why can't you just trust me?"Amber asks

"Because that girl has a crush on you, Amber."Tara says

"Why do you think I told her no to hanging out with her alone."Amber says, rolling her eyes

"But you still went and hung out with her!"Tara yells

"Not alone!"Amber yells back

"But you still went!"Tara yells louder

"Stop fucking yelling at me I didn't do anything wrong!"Amber yells at Tara

"You fuckign cheated on me."Tara says

"How could you even say that?"Amber asks after a few seconds of silence

"You know I love you. I didn't fucking move away with my parents just so I could stay here with you and you're just gonna say I cheated on you. I would be very fucking stupid to do that."Amber says

"I have pictures."Tara says

"Ever heard of photoshop?"Amber asks

"They don't look photoshopped to me."Tara says showing her Phoenix into Amber's face

"That's literally that girls face photoshopped onto yours."Amber says angrily and Tara looks at it closer and sees Amber is telling the truth

"I'm not even mad at you I'm just more upset that you didn't believe me or even ask me about it, you just believed what Heidi sent knowing she doesn't like you and me together."Amber says

"Maybe if you have been around more I wouldn't have believed it."Tara says after a few seconds

"I've been around as much as I can Tara I fucking live with you for fuck sakes."Amber says and Tara doesn't say anything

"Wow that's awesome."Amber says then wlaks out the house slamming the door

Tara starts throwing stuff across the house breaking things. After an hour, their friends show up.

"She's gone."Tara says, looking at a picture of her and Amber kissing

"What's happening with her?"Wes asks, walking in

"All we know is Tara and Amber got into an argument, and Amber left."Anika

"Get out."Tara says

"Get out!"Tara yells

"Amber is gone Amber is gone! She's gone, she left and she's not coming back so get out!"Tara yells and throws the picture at them, and they all duck, making the picture crash into the wall and shatter

"Tara. We're trying to help. Stop pushing us away."Chad says

"Chad is right. And I'm starting to understand why Amber left."Wes says, and Tara falls to the ground and starts sobbing.

Amber walks back in and realizes what's she's done to Tara.

"Then only for a minute. I want to change my mind because this just doesn't feel right to me."Amber thinks

"Tara baby?"Amber asks, walking into the kitchen where Tara is sitting with her back to the cabinets

Tara looks up and sees Amber the next thing Amber knows. Tara is in her arms, sobbing into her chest.

"Hey, it's okay."Amber whispers in Tara's ear and kisses her head

"I'm sorry."Tara says after twenty minutes

"It's okay, baby. I love you, and I'm not going anywhere."Amber says

"I love you too."Tara says and Amber smiles and kisses Tara

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