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"I don't get why you're with me."Jenna says randomly

"What?"Mikey asks, putting her phone down

"I mean, look at me."Jenna says

"I am looking at you, baby. You're the most gorgeous girl I've ever laid eyes on."Mikey says, smiling

"I'm sure you told that to your ex too."Jenna says

"Actually, no, I didn't, and that'd another reason her and I would fight."Mikey says, and Jenna sighs, not believing her

"Rember the words I told you when we got together."Mikey says

"You'll love me til the day you die."Jenna says, and Mikey smiles

"Surrender, my everything."Jenna says

"Because you're mine."Mikey says

"Now you call me baby and not my name."Jenna says

"Exactly, baby. You're my everything til the day I die."Mikey says, and Jenna smiles

"I love you."Jenna says, cuddling unto Mikey and laying her head on Mikeys shoulder

"I love you too."Mikey says and kisses Jenna's head

"You can remember everything you used to tell me?"Jenna says

"Of course I can."Mikey says

"Tell me."Jenna says, and Mikey smiles and runs her fingers through Jenna's hair

"I'd die for you. I'd lie for you. I'd steal for you. I'd cry for you. I ride for you. I'd lie all night underneath the sky with you."Mikey says

"If all of that still true?"Jenna asks

"Of course it is, baby. You mean everything to me more than you'll ever know. Words can not express how deeply in love I am with you."Mikey says, and jenna smiles and kisses Mikey


Jenna and Emma are walking around the mall.

"Jenna, isn't that Mikey?"Emma asks, pointing at Mikey, who is sitting with a girl in the cafeteria

"What the hell."Jenna says and tries to walk over there, but Emma stops her

"Jenna, don't embarrass yourself."Emma says, and Jenna just pushes past her

"What the hell is this?"Jenna asks, walking over to Mikey, and Mikey looks at Jenna with wide eyes.

"Baby, calm down."Mikey says

"Don't tell me to calm down when I just saw my girlfriend with another girl."Jenna says

"It's not what it looks like."Mikey says

"Like I haven't heard that before."Jenna says and walks away, crying

"Dude, what the hell is wrong with you."Emma says

"Emma, it's not what it looks like."Mikey says, rubbing her forehead

"Then what are you doing here with another girl without Jenna knowing?"Emma asks angrily

"This is tricia she's made Jenna's engament ring."Mikey says

"What?"Emma asks

"I'm proposing to Jenna."Mikey says

"Then why didn't you tell Jenna you were meeting up with this girl?"Emma asks

"Because you know how Jenna is, she'll be begging me to tell her why I'm meeting up with this girl, and you know I'm too whipped to tell Jenna no."Mikey says

"True, well, you better get home and make it right."Emma says, then walks off

"I'm so sorry about this."Mikey says

"Oh no, it's fine if I saw my girlfriend with someone I didn't know I would have the same reaction that Jenna did."Tricia says, and Mikey nods

When Mikey gets homes she walks inside and sees Jenna crying.

"Remeber the words you told me love til the day I die. Surrender my everything cause you made me believe you're mine."Jenna says

"Baby, stop. I was meeting up with that girl to get your gift."Mikey says

"What?"Jenna asks, wiping her face

"Baby, I would never cheat on you. You're the love of my life. I would be very stupid to cheat on you with a girl who looks like Tricia or any girl for that matter."Mikey says

"My birthday isn't for another eight months."Jenna says, confused

"I know, but this is a random gift."Mikey says

"Why but me a random gift."Jenna asks

"I mean, why not. You deserve to have random gifts at random times, baby."Mikey says, and Jenna sniffles and smiles a bit

"Baby girl, I love you, and there's no way in hell I would ever cheat on you. You're everything I want and need."Mikey says, and Jenna pulls Mikey into a hats but slow kiss

"I love you too."Jenna says

"Now, what's the gift?"Jenna asks excitedly

"You're not getting it for a few more weeks."Mikey says, and Jenna groans and stomps up stairs to their room and Mikey laughs and follows her

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