Secretly fucking /Tamber

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"Okay come on the movie is about to start."Mindy yells and all the friends including Sam and her boyfriend Danny run into the living room

Mikey sits on the couch with her back against the armrest and Tara is sitting in between her legs with a blanket over them and Tara is watching the movie while Mikey is staring at Tara bititng her lip.

"I love you."Amber whispers into Taras ear

"I love you too."Tara whispers back smiling

After a few minutes Amber gets bored amd she starts rubbing her fingers up and down Tara's stomach and Tara shivers when Amber's hand gets closer to her underwear line.

"What are you doing?"Tara whispers with gritted teeth

"Let me fuck you right here right now."Amber says and Taras breath hitched when Amber dips her fingers into Taras underwear and runs her fingers through Tara's folds and Tara starts breyahing heavily and tries not to make it obviously.

Tara looks around to see if anyone is watching them but everyone is paying attention to the movie.

"God."Tara moans quietly when Amber pushes two fingers inside of her

"You love this don't you me fingering you and fucking you in front of all our friends."Amber says and Tara nods and groans lowly when Amber starts going faster and harder.

"Oh my god I'm gonna cum."Tara whispers

"Let it go."Amber whispers and Tara cums on Ambers fingers

Amber pulls her hand out of Tara's underwear amd shoves her fingers into Tara's mouth making Tara taste herself

Amber moans at Tara when she starts sucking her fingers.

"You want more don't you?"Amber whispers and Tara nods

Amber puts her hand back into Tara's underwear and starts rubbing her clif and Tara throws her head against Amber's shoulder and Amber starts kissing her neck.

"How an extra finger this time?"Amber whispers and shoves three fingers into her girlfriend and Tara moans lowly

Not even three seconds later Tara cums more then she ever has before and Amber smirks and sucks on her fingers

"Lets go get you changed."Amber says

"Guys I'm gonna go change out my jeans I'm getting uncomfortable."Tara says and everyone nods

"Hey I ain't missing my girlfriend gettting undressed."Amber says and everyone laughs and Amber follows Tara to her room

Tara pulls her pants and underwear off snd Amber smirks when she sees cum still sitting in Tara's underwear.

"Shut up."Tara says and Amber laughs

"You loved me fucking you like that infront of everyone I would even say that you got that kind of kink because you never came that hard or that much before."Amber says and sucks on Tara's neck and Tara moans

"Stop baby."Tara whines and pushes Amber away and Amber laughs

They get back downstairs and start watching the movie

"Don't you dare try anything again."Tara says and Amber chuckles lowly and kisses Tara's head.

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