Memories different storyline/Tamber

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Tara still can't believe her girlfriend of five years is dead she can't believe someone murdered her girlfriend. Yes, Amber was an asshole to men that would flirt with Tara but that's understandable any guy or girl would be the same towards people who flirt with their partners. Here Tara is sitting at Amber's grave crying her eyes out just staring at the headstone. She wraps her hand around the necklace that used to be Amber's that's now resting around her neck the necklace that she would playfully pull Amber into a kiss with.

Amber and Taras Age: 15

Amber and Tara are running around Amber's house. Why, you may ask? Well, Amber and Tara were cuddling and watching a movie until Tara threw popcorn at Amber and started running. Amber laughed and started chasing Tara around the house she's been chasing Tara for fifteen minutes now. Amber finally catches her and wraps her arms around Taras waist.

"I got you."Amber says

"But it took you fifteen minutes."Tara teases

"First of all, you got a head a start."Amber says

"You're a lot faster than me."Tara says laughing, and Amber rolls her eyes smiling

"Second you hid from me most of the time little stinker."Amber says and Tara laughs

"Oh just kiss me already."Tara says and pulls Amber down into a kiss by her heart-shaped necklace, and Amber smiles and kisses Tara back.

~~~~ < Means next flashback* Age: 15

Tara and Amber are just sitting on the bleachers in the school gym talking when Tara pulls Amber into a kiss by her necklace

"You sure do love pulling me into kisses by my necklace."Amber says once they pull away

"Yes I do."Tara says

"You're so weird."Amber says and Tara shrugs

"But you love me."Tara says

"You got that right."Amber says

"Say it."Tara demands smiling

"I love you Tara Carpenter more then I have ever loved anything in my whole fucked life."Amber says and Tara smiles

"I love you too Amber Freeman."Tara says and Amber smiles and gets yanked back into a kiss

Amber and Tara are hanging out their friends at the bar room shooting some pool when Amber and Wes start arguing.

"She's mine go find someone else to fuck with."Amber says getting tired of Wes's multiple failing attempts to flirt with her girlfriend.

"She would've been mine if you wouldn't have shown up in the seventh grade."Wes says

"Oh boo cry me a river."Amber says and their friends laugh and Tara snickers

"Babe stop."Tara says

"He's the one that started arguing with me."Amber says defending herself

"And I'm stopping it."Tara says and Amber rolls her eyes mumbling something under her breath

"Say it again I dare you."Tara says and Amber gets a bit turned by this and just shuts up

"Damn Tara is the only person I have ever seen make Amber shut up so quickly."Mindy says laughing

"Shut it Mindy."Amber says rolling her eyes

"Tara why did you pick her over me what does she have that I don't?"Wes asks

"Well let's see I'm better looking better kisser I treat her like a queen I make her cum at least four times in under two minutes."Amber says and Tara just yanks Amber into a kiss by her necklace to shut her up. Amber smirks and wraps her arms around Taras waist and rest her hands on Taras butt and squeezes it making Tara moan

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