She's mine/Tamber pt2 Control

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Tara is trapped between her girlfriend and the lockers. Amber has her hands gripped tightly around Tara's hips. They were talking about their plans for the  weekend until Amber couldn't take it no more and smashed her lips against Tara's. Tara wasn't the one for PDA in school but once Amber's latched on to hers she was putty in Amber's hands. 

"Okay that's enough."Tara says pulling back from Amber 

"But why."Amber whines 

"Baby you know I hate PDA in school."Tara says

"You weren't complaining when we started making out literally twenty minutes ago."Amber says looking up at the clock on the wall then back at Tara

"I didn't realize what was going on for a while."Tara says and Amber smirks

"Do I kiss that good?"Amber says smirking more

"Actually yes you do now shut up idiot."Tara says pushing Amber off of her 

Amber laughs when Tara pushes her away. Amber pulls Tara off the locker by her waist and she leans down for one last kiss

"I love you baby."Amber whispers against Tara's lips 

"I love you too."Tara says smiling against Amber's lips

"Y'all are so disgusting."Mindy says walking over 

"Then go away."Amber says and Tara elbows her

"Ha Tara loves me."Mindy says 

"Ehh."Tara says turning around in Amber's arms to face Mindy 

Amber laughs when Mindy fake gasps and puts her hand against her chest right above her heart.

"Ma heart."Mindy says then all three girls laugh

"Well I love you but need to go Ms. Allen needs my help before we leave today."Tara says pecking Amber's lips then walking off

"I can't believe she's mine."Amber says watching Tara  walk away 

"Y'all have been together for a year now."Mindy says 

"Yeah I know but it just doesn't feel like it's been that long. Feels like yesterday she was telling me that her and Wes finally broke up."Amber says looking back at Mindy once Tara is out of sight.

"How long were Wes and Tara broken up for before you and Tara got together?"Mindy asks walking out the school with Amber

"Two weeks."Amber says 

"Damn Tara moved quickly."Mindy says

"Can you blame her their whole relationship he was controlling her every move."Amber says 

"Yeah that's true."Mindy says sitting on top of a picnic table 

twenty minutes go by of Mindy and Amber just talking about everything and anything when Amber's phone starts ringing.

"It's Tara."Amber says

"Maybe she's wondering where we are."Mindy says and Amber shrugs and answers the call

"Hey baby."Amber says 

"Hey Bear can you come to Ms. Allen's class please."Tara says 

"Sure what's wrong?"Amber says

"Just hurry up please."Tara saythen hangs up 

Amber runs to Ms. Allen's classroom with Mindy following 

When they get to the room they see Wes is trapping Tara against the wall in the back of the classroom. Something in Amber flips once she sees this and she walks over and pulls Wes off of Tara and punches him.

"Are you okay?"Amber asks putting her hands on Tara's face 

"Yeah I'm fine."Tara says and Amber kisses her forehead

"I can't stand you Amber."Wes says standing up wiping the blood from his nose

"I already told you Wes she's mine stay away from her."Amber says 

"Mr. Hicks I think it's time for you to leave."Ms.Allen says walking into the room

"Where were you?"Amber asks the teacher

"Baby stop  she had to go to the restroom and Wes just walked in."Tara says and Amber sighs and just hugs Tara 

"Is she okay?"ms.Allen asks mindy 

"Yeah she's fine she's just protective over Tara."Mindy says and the teacher nods

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