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Mikey and Jenna have been dating for two years. No one knows besides their family and friends they thought it would be better to keep it a secret from the world.

"Hey baby."Mikey says, wrapping her arms around Jenna's waist from behind, kissing her cheek, and Jenna blushes and giggles

"Hey."Jenna says

"I'm going to go take a shower, and then I'll cook dinner."Mikey says, swaying side to side

"Alright, I'll probably just read my scripts or something."Jenna says

"How's Wednesday coming along anyway?"Mikey asks

"Great, Emma has become my best friend on set."Jenna says

"Well, I'm glad. As long as she isn't trying to steal you from me."Mikey says

"Ahh no baby, she's not. Plus, she has a crush on someone."Jenna says

"Who?"Mikey asks

"I have no idea she wouldn't tell me she said the only person who knows is her childhood best friend."Jenna says, and Mikey nods and then starts kissing Jenna's neck

"Baby, stop going to get your shower."Jenna says, pushing Mikey away

"Fine, but don't try to kiss me later."Mikey says, and Jenna turns around and pulls Mikey down by her neck into a kiss

"Now go get your shower."Jenna says, and Mikey kisses Jenna's forehead and walks up to her and Jenna's room

Jenna walks into the living room and starts an Instagram live.

"Hey guys, it's been a while, so I decided I would hop on and do a quick hang out."Jenna says

Ten minutes later, Mikey walks behind Jenna and kisses her cheek, and Jenna blushes

"Baby."Jenna says

"What?"Mikey asks

"I'm on live."Jenna says

"Oh shit."Mikey says

"Well, everyone there you have it, the rumors of Mikey Madison and Jenna Ortega are true."Jenna says in a reporter voice, and Mikey laughs

"I didn't know you were doing one."Mikey says

"It's fine. I mean, we both talked about telling everyone better way then this way."Jenna says, and Mikey smiles and kisses Jenna

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