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Jenna and Mikey have been dating for nine months now and not even the cast fo scream knows. The only people who know is Mikey and Jenna's families.

"You look beautiful."Mikey whispers into Jenna's ear while wrapping her arms around Jenna's waist from behind

"Thanks baby."Jenna says blushing and Mikey smiles at Jenna through the mirror

"You ready for this interview?"Mikey asks swaying them side to side slowly

"Yeah."Jenna says smiling back at Mikey

"Let's go."Mikey says

Jenna turns around and pulls Mikey into a slow soft kiss. Jenna pulls away softly and slowly making Mikey whine.

"We can finish later let's go."Jenna says and Mikey smiles

"Hello everyone I'm here with Jenna, Mikey, Melissa and Jasmine the cast for scream five."The interviewer says looking at the camera and the girls wave

"Okay so the biggest question is who ships Tamber?"The interviewer asks and all three women raise their hands then laugh

"What is there not to ship? I mean you can clearly tell that Tara has a huge crush on Amber and you know how proective Amber is of Tara."Mikey says and Tara smiles

"She's right Tara is in love with amber and had been for a long time."Jenna says

"I'm sure everyone noticed Amber only killed the men that flirted with Tara."Melissa says and everyone nods and laughs

"Well the men that Liv talked abou didn't have a crush on Tara he had one on liv." The interviewer says

"True but he would mess with Tara and try to get her to get liv to date him."Jasmine says

"In my opinion Tamber is the bets ship out of the whole scream franchise it shows that people don't have to be scared of their sexuality and they don't have to settle for anyone less because you know how proective Amber is over Tara."Jenna says smiling

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