Made a promsie/Tamber

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Amber is very protective of Tara, and everyone in school knew that, especially their friends. But Tara and Wes have been arguing a lot lately because he asked her out, and she said no, and of course, he got mad, and so now he keeps on with her.

"Wes I said no so take that as answer and leave me the fuck alone."Tara says

"Tara I see the way you look at me."Wes says

"Yeah with disgust because you kept trying to pressure me into dating you. When I'm already with Amber and knowing I don't like you like that never have never will so fuck off and leave me alone."Tara says

"No you're going to be with me one day judt wait and see."Wes says and storms off and Tara groans and leans her head against her locker

"Hey Tara whats wrong?"Mindy asks walking over

"Wes with his stupid you'll be my girlfriend one day bullshit."Tara says and slams her locker closed

"Damn girl calm down."Mindy says

"Plus if he keeps on you know Amber will be a hold of him."Mindy says

"That's what I'm afraid of."Tara says

"Hey baby, Hey mindy."Amber says walking over and kissing Tara's cheek

"Hey."Mindy and Tara both say

"What's wrong you seem tense?"Amber asks

"I'll leave you two alone."Mindy says and walks off to find her girlfriend Anika.

"So what's wrong?"Amber asks, and Tara faces Amber and leans against the lockers

"It's just Wes."Tara says

"What did he do this time?"Amber asks, rolling her eyes

"The same thing he always does. Asks me out, and when I say no, he gets all butt hurt and says that one, I'll be his girlfriend one way or another."Tara says, sighing

Amber puts her hand beside Tara head and leans into where their lips are almost touching, and this causes Tara to blush and start breathing heavily.

"Well, I don't know Mr little dick notices, but you're mine, and he's never going to get with you."Amber says, and tara smiles

"But I am going to kill him for trying to pressure you into dating him."Amber says, and Tara's smile drops

"What, no."Tara says

"Why not?"Amber asks

"Because I don't need you rotting in jail. Promise me you won't kill him."Tara says

"Fine."Amber says

"Promise me."Tara says sternly.

"I promise."Amber says

"You promise what?"Tara asks

"I promise I won't kill Mr little dick."Amber says

"Mean but okay now kiss me."Tara says, and Amber smiles and leans in and kisses Tara.

Amber pulls her hand off the lockers and pulls Tara into her by he rhinos and Tara moans at this and wraps her arms around Amber's neck.

"I love you."Tara says when they pull away

"I love you too."Amber says then bell rings for lunch, and they walk outside where their friends are

"Tara, come on, you know you like me."Wes says when Tara and Amber walk over

"Dude, come. we just talked about this. Find another girl who doesn't have a girlfriend."Chad says

"Or better yet, find a girl who actually likes you."Liv says, and Wes glares at her

"Wes, stop, I'm tired of you."Tara says and sits in Amber's lap, who is not sitting on top of the pinic table

"Fuck you."Wes says

"You better watch what you say to me."Tara says

"Why?"Wes says

"Dude you know how protective Amber is over Tara you might want to shut up."Anika says

"I'm still alive so I'm chilling."Wes says

"You're only still alive because I made a promise."Amber says through gritted teeth and it kinda scares Wes so he walks away 

"Godo hopefully he fucks off forever."Amber says and kisses Tara's cheek

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