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*MIKEY G!P* *Let me know if y'all want more Mikey G!P*


Jenna is standing in the kitchen washing dishes when Mikey walks over and hugs her from behind and rests her chin on Jenna's shoulder.

"I want a baby."Mikey says 

"No."Jenna says 

"Why."Mikey says whining 

"Because I just got done working on Finest kind and Mr. Miller's girl and I want to rest."Jenna says turning off the water and turning around in Mikey's arms and wrapping her arms around Mikey's neck

"You can rest alright."Mikey says smirking and Jenna chuckles and punches Mikey's shoulder then wraps her arms back around her neck

"Plus you're about to start a new movie so you won't be here to take care of me."Jenna says

"Yes I will the movie is being filmed thirty minutes away from here, so I could be here when you need me or you could come to set with me."Mikey says swaying them back and forth

"No we're not having a baby right now when you're done filming we can have one."Jenna says

"But that's a whole nine months away, so if you get pregant now by the time the movie is done getting filmed we would have our baby."Mikey says 

"No Mikey."Jenna says and Mikey groans and walks off

"I am married to a child."Jenna says 

"I heard that."Mikey says 

"Good for you."Jenna says  

A few days later Jenna and Mikey are having a party at their house to celebrate the movies Jenna has just got done with.

"Congrats on the two movies Jenna."Emma says hugging her best friend and Jenna smiles and hugs her back 

"Can I borrow my wife for a bit?"Mikey asks when she walks up to Jenna and Emma

"Yeah."Emma says chuckling then walks off

Before Jenna can say anything Mikey pulls Jenna into a hard but slow tongue kiss and Jenna moans and wraps her arms around Mikey's neck

"I'm horny let's go upstairs."Mikey says and Jenna nods


When they get into the room Mikey unzips Jenna's dress letting it fall to the ground then she takes off Jenna's bra and underwear and Latches her lips to Jenna's neck. Jenna leans her head back letting Mikey have more room on her neck and she wraps her fingers in Mikey's hair.

As Mikey is kissing her neck Jenna reaches down and unbuttons her wife's pants and lets them along with her boxers fall down and she reaches down and starts rubbing her hand up and down her wife's length which makes Mikey stop and moan.

Mikey picks Jenna up and puts her their bed. Mikey smirks at how wet Jenna has gotten in the last few minutes. Mikey lines her dick up with Jenna's hole and pushes into her and Jenna throws her head back moaning.

Mikey leans down and latches her lips against Jenna's and Jenna moans into her mouth. Mikey starts moving in and out of Jenna faster and Harder making Jenna moan loudly. Mikey starts hitting Jenna's G-Spot and Jenna gets over the edge and ends up cumming sooner then she planned and not even a second later Mikey cums. They both don't pay attention to Mikey cumming inside of Jenna because they were to wrapped up.


Jenna wakes up and runs to the bathroom puking

"Fuck Mikey didn't use a condom the last time."Jenna says 

Jenna drives to the store and buys two boxes of pregnancy test then goes home and takes the test.

"I'm pregnant."Jenna says tearing up

"Fuck."Jenna says

When Mikey gets tests e Jenna is sitting in their bedroom staring at the wall

"Hey Baby."Mikey says smiling 

"We need to talk."Jenna says 

"Um Okay."Mikey says and sits next to Jenna in their bed

"I'm Pregnant."Jenna says 

"Are you sure?"Mikey asks 

"Yes I took four tests and they were all positive."Jenna says and Mikey smiles and kisses Jenna but Jenna pulls back

"What's wrong?"Mikey  asks

"How you not think about me and about what we said about waiting on a baby."Jenna says

"What are you talking about I always think about you."Mikey says 

"Obviously not or we wouldn't be having this conversation."Jenna says

"If I would've known you were gonna get me pregnant after said no I would've never married you."Jenna says 

"Wow Okay."Mikey says then leaves the house and Jenna just sits in their bed and cries 

A few hours later Mikey comes back with Bloodshot red eyes

"Do you wanna a divorce?"Mikey asks shakily and Jenna sighs

"No I didn't mean what I said I was just upset."Jenna says and Mikey nods but doesn't say anything

"Look I've always wanted a baby with you but the only reason I said no is because you know I'm really clingy and whiney on my period so I'm probably going to be worse while I'm pregnant and I didn't want to make you stressed out because of me and the movie."Jenna says

"I like it when you're all clingy to me but the whole stressed part baby you could never make me stressed."Mikey says and Jenna smiles and kisses Mikey softly 

"I love."Jenna whispers into Mikey's neck once they pull away 

"I love you too."Mikey whispers back

This is based on the one shot I read of Y/N and Sadie called Baby Fever and it's by 1mayfield1

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