Get over it/Tamber p3 Control

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"Are you going to be okay?"Ms. Allen asks Amber 

"If Wes leaves Tara alone then yes."Amber says 

When Tara and Amber get to Tara's house they go to Tara's room and cuddle until Sam calls them downstairs for dinner.

"Ms. Allen called me today."Sam says

"What she say?"Tara asks

"That Wes has been messing you again."Sam says

"Yeah he has."Tara says

"I told y'all he shouldn't be part of the friend group anymore."Amber says rolling her eyes

"We can't just kick him out Amber he was in it before you were."Tara says 

"It doesn't matter if he was in it before I was he's your ex controlling ex at this point."Amber says 

"She has a point Tara Wes is still trying to control you and it's honestly getting very annoying."Sam says and Tara sighs

"You don't think it's annoying me?"Tara asks groaning 

"We didn't say it wasn't but if he was really annoying you, you would try not to hang around him."Amber says

"Get over it he's not gonna get kicked out not because I don't want him to but because he's Mindy's Chad's and Liv's friend also."Tara says and Amber rolls her eyes 

"I will see you at school tomorrow."Amber says walking to the front door 

"Go get your girl."Sam says and Tara sighs and runs over to front door and she pushes the door closed before Amber can get open it all the way 

"Really?"Amber asks annoyed 

"Yes really now you listen to me."Tara says wrapping her arms around Amber's neck

"What?"Amber asks more annoyed but still wraps her arms around Tara's waist 

"I love you and you know that, but I can't just make everyone else hate Wes just because you do. I can't stand him either but he's still part of the group."Tara says and Amber sighs 

"I'm sorry."Amber says and Tara smiles and pulls Amber down into a kiss.

The next day at school Amber is hanging out at her locker when Wes walks over.

"What do you want?"Amber asks annoyed 

"You know what I want."Wes says 

"Get over it Wes she has literally been with me for the last year now move on dude."Amber says walking off

"Don't walk off when I'm talking to you."Wes says

"You don't scare me so fuck off."Amber says and Wes pushes her against the wall and Amber looks at like he's stupid

"Now you listen to me."Wes says holding the collar of Amber's leather jacket  

"You better let me go because if you don't by the count of three I will be knocking you the fuck out."Amber says and 

"Amber stop."Tara says when she sees Wes on the floor all bloody and Amber punching him

"He pushed me against the wall and wouldn't let me go."Amber says 

"I don't care come here."Tara says and Amber throws Wes against the floor and walks over to Tara 

"Ms. Allen Wes started it he threw Amber against the wall."A random student says and amber thinks them in her mind

"Wes hicks office now."Ms Allen says 

"But look at my face."Wes says groaning

"Amber was just protecting herself from you Wes! I told you I didn't want to be with you anymore! Amber and I have been together for a year now you should've already gotten over you and me so!"Tara raises her voice and Wes sighs and walks off with Ms. Allen following him

"I know I Know I'm in trouble."Amber says looking down at her girlfriend

"Usually yes you would be but this time you were just protecting yourself."Tara says and Amber smiles and pulls Tara into a kiss by her hips.

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