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"Get the hell off of her."Amber says, pulling a police officer off of Tara and punching him, and she keeps punching him until another officer pulls her off of him

When they get to police station, they put Tara and amber in an interrogation room.

"Why did you punch that officer for me?"Tara says before Amber can answer Kirby walks in

"So why did that officer think I was suspicious?"Tara asks

"Because you're the sister of Sam Carpenter."Kirby says

"I haven't sent Sam since I was seven years old."Tara says

"I know, but he didn't, and he thought you were selling drugs for Sam."Kirby says

"Taht still didn't give him a right to tackle her like he did."Amber says, glaring at her hands

"Do you think we'll be out of here soon?"Tara says

"You yes her no."Kirby says, pointing at Amber

"She assaulted a police officer."Kirby says

"Well, how long are you going to keep her?"Tara asks

"You and your girlfriend have big plans tonight?"Kirby asks

"She's not my girlfriend."Tara says, and Amber sighs and starts playing with her fingers, and Kirby sees that and feels bad for Amber.

"Well, you should tell her that."Kirby says

"What?"Tara says

"Only love makes you that crazy sweetheart and that damn stupid."Kirby says and walks out the room

"You love me?"Tara says

"Of course I fucking love you tara."Amber says, standing up

"Why didn't you ever tell me?"Tara asks

"Because you were with Wes for the longest time. Then when I tried telling you I liked you, Angela showed up, and you got with her. And after you Angela broke up, you said you didn't want another relationship, so I respected that and never told you. But eventually, then liking you turned into loving you. But I couldn't say anything to you because I didn't want you to tell me that you didn't like me back, and I definitely didn't want our friendship to end just because I love you. You're my everything Tara even if you don't think you are, you are. You mean the whole world to me. When I'm sad, all I have to think about is you, and I'm instantly in a good mood again. You make the happiest person on earth. There's no one in this world that could ever take my love for you away. There's no one in this world that I could ever fall for that's not you. I love you, Tara Carpenter, and that's never going to change."Amber says

Tara gets up and pulls Amber into a kiss. Amber wraps her arms around Tara's what's while Tara wraps her arms around Amber's neck

"I love you too. I was just scared you didn't feel the same, but after tonight, it definitely shows me you feel the same."Tara says, and Amber smiles and leans back in and kisses Tara

"Will you be my girlfriend?"Amber asks when they pull away and sit back down

"Yes."Tara says smiling, and Amber pecks her cheek

"Alright, you and your friend are free to go."Kirby says, walking back in

"Girlfriend."Tara says, and Amber smiles at Tara, and Kirby smiles at both of them

"I knew it."Kirby says

"Why am I free to go?"Amber asks, standing up

"The Sheriff said you only punched Officer Martin because he tackled your girlfriend, so he said you were just protecting her."Kirby says and Tara and Amber smile and leave

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