Jealously/ Menna

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Mikey and Jenna have been together since the beginning of filming scream 5, and now Jenna is now playing Wednesday in the show on Wednesday. Mikey is very proud of her, but she doesn't like how close Jenna has gotten to her co-star Emma Myers.

Mikey will admit Emma is adorable, but Jenna is hers, and she's not afraid to show everyone that.

"Hey baby."Jenna says, walking over to Mikey with Emma by her side

"Hey."Mikey says, smiling

"You look like you were thinking very hard."Emma says laughing

"I was."Mikey says

"About what?"Jenna asks

"I'll tell you later."Mikey says

"Why can't you tell me now?"Jenna asks

"Because Emma is here, and it's personal."Mikey says, and Jenna nods

Jenna and Emma sit down on the couch, which is across from where Mikey is sitting. Mikey gets upset and wishes Jenna would've sat next to her.

"Baby."Mikey says, but Jenna doesn't hear her

"Fine, whatever."Mikey says and walks off

"Baby, wait."Jenna says following Mikey, but Tim stops her

"You and Emma are on."Tim says, and Jenna sighs and follows Tim to set.

Mikey walks into Jenna's trailer and lays down on the bed that's in there and gets on her phone.

How did it go?

Terrible. She
didn't even talk
to me.
Her and
Emma just
sat on the
couch that was
From where
I was sitting
and talked.
I tried getting her attention
but she never heard me.

I'm sorry, man.
I know she still
Loves you

I know she
does I'm just jealous over
her and Emma.
I'm so used to having
Jenna's attention

I know you are, but try to
talk to her.

A few minutes later, Jenna walks in and over to Mikey.

"Baby, can we talk?"Jenna asks, and Mikey shrugs and stares at her phone

"Come on, why are you mad at me?"Jenna asks, whining

"I'm not mad."Mikey says

"Yes, you are."Jenna says

"No, I'm not."Mikey says, texting Jasmine back

"Who are you texting?"Jenna asks

"Jasmine."Mikey says

Even if one of them are mad at each other, they agreed to be truthful and always tell the other who they were texting, so they didn't make the other one feel insecure.

"What does she want?"Jenna asks

"She don't want nothing it's me texting her."Mikey says

"About what?"Jenna asks

"You."Mikey says

"Good things?"Jenna asks

"No, but they're not bad either."Mikey days

"Baby, what did I do?"Jenna asks, tearing up, and Mikey sighs

"You ignored me today, Jenna. I was trying to talk to you, but you were too focused on Emma that you didn't even acknowledge me."Mikey says sadly

"I'm sorry I didn't hear you. You know, if I had heard you, I would've stopped talking to her and gave my attention to you."Jenna says

"I'm sorry."Mikey says, looking at the ground

"For what?"Jenna asks

"Being jealous. I know I told you I never would be, but it's hard not to be."Mikey says

"Baby, you don't have to have to be sorry. It's normal for people to get jealous."Jenma says, sitting in mikeys lap

"I guess."Mikey says

"Mikey  what's really going on?"Jenna asks

"Nothing."Mikey says

"We've been together for three years now. You know I don't believe that."Jenna says

"It's just everyone online ships you with Emma, and they're saying you have Emma as your lock screen now, and it used to be me and you dressed up as ghostface. And it just kinda makes me think you're going to leave me for her."Mikey says sadly

"Baby, I'm not leaving you for her. And yes, I changed  my lock screen but not to her."Jenna says

"What is it now?"Mikey asks

"The picture Jasmine took of us while we're dancing and kissing in the rain."Jenna says, and Mikey smiles

"I love you."Mikey says

"I love you too. I will always love you. Emma could never take me away from and no one else for that matter."Jenna says, and Mikey smiles and flips them over and kisses Jenna.

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