No One Cares/ Menna

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Jenna walks into her and Mikey's house and sees her co stars form Sceeam five and six.

"Hey guys."Jenna says, and no one acknowledges her.

At first, Jenna thought they just didn't hear her, but after she said hi five more times and no one answered, she just sighed and walked up to her and Mikeys' room.

"Oh hey baby, when did you get here?"Mikey asks and kisses Jenna's cheek

"Like ten minutes ago, I said hey when I walked in, but no one said anything."Jenna says, shrugging

"I'm sorry baby, you know I wouldn't ignore you on purpose."Mikey says

"Hmhm."Jenna says

"Well, anyways, everyone is staying over and hanging out the rest of the day."Mikey says

"Okay."Jenna says, and Mikey walks back out the room after  grabbing what she needs

Jenna sighs, then changes into something more comfortable.

Jenna walks downstairs and into the living room, and she sits on Mikeys lap.

"Baby, can you move Jack and I were about to go head to head on call of duty."Mikey says

"Yeah, sure."Jenna says and walks into the kitchen

"Hey."Melissa says, walking into the kitchen

"Hi."Jenna says fake, smiling

"What's wrong?"Melissa asks

"Nothing."Jenna says

"Jenna, you've been on TV, sister, for the last two years. I know something is wrong."Melissa says

"Emma kissed me today, and I was planning on telling Mikey when I got home, but yall were here. And when I said hey, when I got here, no one ever said anything back, so it made me feel like Shit."Jenna says

"I'm sorry, Jenna. I didn't even know you were home until Mikey said something."Melissa says

"Story of my life."Jenna says, closing her eyes and trying to blink back the teats

"I'll let you be by yourself."Melissa says

Jenna walks over to the kitchen sink and splashes her face with water. Then she starts crying silently, trying to make sure no one hears her.

"No one cares about you."Jenna's voice in her head says

"Mikey cares about me."Jenna says quietly

"How you so sure. I mean, look at the way she is playing around with liana."The voice says, and Jenna looks up and sees. Liana is touching mikeys hands, trying to get Mikey to lose, and Mikey laughing and trying to move the remote away from the liana reach.

"She still loves me."Jenna says

"You'll always be insecure. If someone tells you to buy this pill, it helps you diet you'll buy it. If someone tells you to kill yourself, you'll try it."The voice says, and Jenna screams and punches the counter, then she slides down the cabinets and sobs into her knees, and Mikey comes running into the kitchen

"Babt, what's wrong?"Mikey says, running over to Jenna and pulling her into a hug.

Jenna grips on mikeys shirt and sobs into Mikeys chest.

Mikey sits down and rests her back against the cabinets.

After a few minutes, Jenna stops crying and just sniffles every now and then.

"No one cares."Jenna says

"No one cares about what?"Mikey says

"Me."Jenna says quietly

"Everyone cares about you."Mikey says

"No, they don't."Jenna says

"I'd die for you."Melissa, Jasmin, Liana, and Mikey all say

"I'd lie for you."Dylan, Mason both say

"I'd steal for you."Courtney, Neve, Hayden all say

"I'd cry for you."Skeet,Jack, Jack Q,David all say

"I ride for you. I'd lie all night  underneath the stars with you."Mikey says, and Jenna sniffles and smiles a bit

"Just because you think no one cares doesn't mean we don't care."Jasmin says, and everyone nods in agreement

"Thanks, guys."Jenna says

Short but sweet

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