Lucky/ Menna

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Jenna is sitting outside on the couch that's on the patio of her and Mikey's house whiel watching her wife running around and play with their four year old daughter Melissa and their two year old son Judas. Jenna can't help but smile at  her wife and kids.

Jenna know she's lucky and she will always be lucky. If you told her ten years ago that she would be married to her Co star and have kids with her she would have thought you were a lunatic.

"Mommy."Melissa says running over to Jenna

"Hey baby."Jenna says smiling as her dragster sits next to her on the couch

"Come play with mama, Jude and I."Melissa says

"I can't right now."Jenna says

"Why not?"Melissa says pouting

"Honey I told you mommy can't run around right now why don't you go play your brother and Wolf while I sit and talk to mommy for a little bit."Mikey says walking over

"Otay mama."Melissa says and runs back into the yard with Jude

Mikey sits down next to Jenna and Jenna smiles and lays her head on Mikey's shoulder while watching their kids play with their dog

"I still don't understand why our kids had to name their dog Wolf."Jenna says laughing and Mikey smiles

"Well baby he's a husky and they look like wolves."Mikey says and Jenna laughs more and Mikey van their but stare at her and smile

"What?"Jenna asks when she looks over and sees her wife staring at her

"Nothing I'm just thinking about how lucky I am to have you as my wife."Mikey says and leans down and kisses Jenna softly

"I'm the lucky one."Jenna says

"I can say we're both lucky but I'm more lucky. I mean you carried those two beautiful angels over there and now you're carrying our last two."Mikey says putting her hands on Jenna's stomach and Jenna smiles puts her hand over mikeys and kisses her again

Their kiss gets broken when their song and daughter jump on Mikey.

"Mama mommy we want hugs and kisses."Melissa says and Mikey and Jenna laugh

Mikey puts Judas in Jenna's lap then picks up Melissa.

"Mommy tickles."Judas says as Jenna kisses his cheeks and hugs him

A little while later Melissa and judas are in their beds asleep and Mikey and Jenna are cuddling in their.

"I'm so lucky you proposed."Jenna says

"I'm lucky you said yes."Mikey says

"I'm lucky you decided to have kids."Jenna says

"I'm lucky you decided to carry them."Mikey says and the two women laugh then kisses each other

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