1. Coming home to you

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Please read the authors note before reading, there could be important forehand information.

Emily pov - December 23rd, 2006

Omw home, see you soon <3

Y/n <3
Waiting, hurry up love.

I put my phone down after texting my wife, starting the car I parked in the lot three days ago. Which, I know I should be used to, is too long to be away from her. It's just... different now that she's home and I'm the one going away unexpectedly a few days here and there.

But just as I'm about to pull out, my phone chimes again and I look.

Y/n <3
Oh, and pick up some pizza on your way, preferably from Mila's. I love you

And there is nothing that stops the small laughter erupting from my throat. And those butterflies in my stomach flutter. As they have for the five years we've been married, and for the four years prior to that when all I've done is love her.

Will do. And I love you too

It's the perfect thing to come home to. Especially these past weeks where I've been the outcast and newest member of the BAU. No one really trusts me, not even as a person nor as an agent. And it's hurts more than I've let on. Even though Y/n can see through it all, like she's always managed to do somehow. I don't know, it has no logic to it. But I guess love doesn't follow that much logic.

Worst thing of it all had been, that before I left for this particular case, Y/n and I hadn't had that much time spent together. We've both had a load of paperwork. But instead of being able to work together somehow, or just in each others company. We've both come home from meetings and work and just fallen asleep in each others arms on the couch. Not that that isn't comfortable, it's just not that much time spent actually doing something together.

But I manage to throw away every negative though and focus on that I'll soon be home and we'll sit by the table and eat pizza, talking to each other and enjoying it all. That's what I focus on as I drive to the pizza place that she's become addicted to. Ordering our usual. And then heading back to our apartment.

"Honey, I'm home" I call out as I come in through the door. But instead of being meet by some sort of sound, weather it's Y/n on a call or greeting me, some movie on the tv or music in the speakers, in meet by total silence. "Y/n? You in here?" Maybe she went out to the corner store to get something, borrowing something from a neighbour for her baking.

I ignore the silence, even as it slices into worry, as I walk into the kitchen and put the pizzas in the oven to keep them warm. Then continue to prepare our dinner. Glasses, utensils, wine.

The door unlocks again and that colourful bundle comes into the apartment holding pile of post in one hand and a bag full of groceries in the other. The moment she sees me she starts apologising profusely, "sorry, sorry, I'm so sorry. I was just out, didn't check the time and I... I'm rambling again, aren't I?" She interrupts herself as she sees me starting at her from the kitchen counter as she comes into the kitchen.

"Yes, but do continue, I've waited for ages." I joke as I smile at her, my whole body feeling less tense just to see her in person. She puts down everything on the counter as she walks over to me.

"You're an ass, you know that." She comes up in front of me, and I can't help but snare my arms around her waist and pull her towards me. Into my personal space.

"Hi to you too." I say and she smiles. Her h/c hair is let out over her back, unusual from her signature ponytail. Her soft e/c eyes that I know can cut through stone, but is now as soft as ocean waves hit the sand. And her smile. The most enchanting thing I've ever seen in my entire life. Still managing to silence me after so long.

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