09. Date night gone sick

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Emily pov - November 18th, 1998

We barely talk as we sit at the restaurant for date night, both of us exhausted from the day. But we both enjoy the intimate atmosphere as we sip on our wine and share how our days have gone. As good as one can with the secrecy of both our jobs.

The restaurant is bustling with the sound of clinking glasses and the chatter of diners enjoying their meals. The aroma of warm bread and sizzling steaks fill the air, making my mouth water with anticipation.

"... and then Nate brought out a bucket of ice and water. We had thought the whole dare was a joke, but apparently not." Y/n laughs as she's telling a story from her day. And I can't help but admire her. "What?" She notifies my starring and silence.

"Nothing, just admiring the love of my life." A blush spreads onto her cheeks at my words, words I've said so many times. "Please, tell me you didn't do it."

"Of course I did, in not a coward." She laughs again and I smile at her.

"Of course not."

"It was inside, if that's to any consolation. And then the lot of us threw ourselves into a warm tub."

When our plate come, I remember that we ordered a shared meal. Fresh, homemade pasta and savoury meats, topped off with decadent desserts that melt in my mouth. The food is delicious, and the conversation between me and Y/n take a stop as we eat and just enjoy each others company.

When we're done, and we walk out to find the sky darkening with clouds. "How about a walk home instead?" I ask as we had taken a cab.

"Sounds perfect." She answers and slips her hand in mine, holding onto it hard as we begin to walk. Walking hand in hand with the woman I love through the streets of DC on a winter night, the city is alive with the wounds of car horns, laughter, and merriment. But we're silent as we walk. The chill in the air is refreshing, and I'm grateful for ny want scarf, coat, and the gloves as we stroll down the bustling pedestrian streets back to our apartment.

The soft glow of streetlights illuminates the sidewalks and shop windows, casting long shadows across the pavement, creating a sense of enchantment and mystery. The beautiful architecture of the buildings is especially striking against the dark sky; with subtle illumination of floodlights highlighting the intricate details and grandeur of the streets and buildings.

We can hear the light music emanating from the restaurants and bars in the city and the inviting aroma of hot chocolate and coffee fills the air. We stroll past vendors selling hot pretzels, fresh kettle corn, and roasted nuts.

As we near our street, of our new apartment, my head lifts as I suddenly hear lovely music coming from a nearby band playing outside a bar. It's a mixture of jazz and rock, but the upbeat tempo is infectious, and we both find ourselves drawn to the music.

As we make our way closer to the bar, the rain starts to pour down. At first, I'm about to run for cover under an awning, wanting to stay dry. But Y/n's hand pulls me back as the music ripples through the street.

"Care to dance?" She asks, rain already soaking us both. But I don't seem to care.

"Out here? On the street?"

"In the rain, with a live band. What could be more romantic than that." And I feel a tug in my heart because I had mentioned it earlier. How, though everything is amazing, their life isn't as classic romantic anymore. Most of the time as well. It's both our fault, mostly work.

But she takes my and nonetheless and leads me closer to the magic. Letting it fill my body as she spins me around, letting the rain drench us both through our layers. The band plays on, oblivious to the weather and the crowd who are no longer gathered around them.

But I feel how they watch us, how people around us watch as we have started to dance in the rain, in the winter, on the street. But we don't care as I twirl her around, and her laughter echoes against the rain. The music is loud, but we both must feel as though it's just the two of us under the pouring sky.

The rain is cold on my face but it doesn't matter, and for a moment, I feel so alive, energised by the moment and the music. We both dance until the final notes of the song, laughing and spinning into each others arms, and then the band starts to pack up. They smile at us as we laugh, and she pulls my chin to kiss me. Bending me down to hold me over her knee in one of those Disney kisses.

And then with a smile on both our faces, we hurry down the last block to our apartment. Hurrying to strip of the wet clothes and into a warm bath, and then into a warm bed.


I wake up with a groan, my head pounding and my throat is on fire. Who would have thought that after dancing i the rain in November, one would catch a cold. I try to muster the strength to get out of bed, but every movement feels like a monumental task.

Y/n is sprawled next to me, still peacefully asleep. I watch her for a moment, her face glowing with warmth and tenderness. She stirs awaken, her eyes fluttering open with concern.

She says softly. "Good morning, love. How are you feeling?"

I sniffle, my voice hoarse and cracked. "Terrible. Headache and stuffed nose." I coax out. I must we looking as bad as I sound, and feel.

She pours sympathetically, reaching out to brush the hair away from my forehead.

"I'm sorry, baby. I shouldn't have made you dance in the rain last night, I could have come up with something else romantic." She perche up on her elbow. "Let me take care of you."

"I don't need to be coddled. I'll be fine on my own." I protest weakly, not wanting to be a burden.

But she simply shakes her head, a determined look in her eyes. "No, you won't be fine on your own. You deserve to be taken care of when you're sick. Besides, we live together. You're stuck with me." She smirks slightly before continuing. "Just let me do this for you, okay?"

I sigh and give in, knowing that arguing with her is futile. Y/n gets out of bed and disappears into the kitchen, coming back with a tray filled with blankets, pillows, and a steaming bowl of soup.

She gently helps me sit up, surrounding me with warmth and comfort. The soft blankets embrace me, and I lean into her touch, seeking solace from the discomfort of my cold.

"Here, love. Have some soup. It'll help clear your sinuses. And help with the shivers."

I gratefully accept the bowl, savoring the aroma and taking slow, soothing sips. Y/n sits next to me, her arm around my shoulders, offering her silent support.

"Thank you, honey. I love you." More than words can describe.

Y/n smiles softly, pressing a gentle kiss to my temple.

"I love you too, sweetheart. Just relax and let me take care of you. You'll feel better soon, I promise."

As I settle into Y/n's embrace, I realize that even though I don't necessarily like being coddled, I wouldn't trade Y/n's love and care for anything in the world. In her arms, I find comfort, healing, and the reassurance that no matter how tough things get, we'll always be there for each other.

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