010. Our perfect vacation

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Emily pov - August 10th to 23rd, 1999

I can feel the salty sea breeze on my face as our ferry approaches the isle of Gotland. I look over to Y/n, who has her arms wrapped around me from behind, and can tell that she's as exited as I am. Despite my previous hesitations, I'm glad that we decided to rent this cabin. We both definitely deserve the break.

As we walk towards our little getaway, she takes in the sights. "Wow, this is beautiful." She says, taking in the scenery.

"I know," I reply but catch myself only looking at her. "It's not the four seasons or anything."

She than me around and wraps her arms around my shoulders to stop me from talking. "This is perfect Em. And admit it, we needed a break from our own country as well."

"Maybe we could sightsee Stockholm for a day before we go home." I suggest, really wanting to see the capital. She agrees and nudges her nose against mine, closing the distance between our mouths. She catches mine as the sun shines bright on the sky, her hands gripping in my hair as my nails practically dig into her hips.

We enter our cabin, both of us letting out a sigh of relief at the place. It looks exactly as advertised, cozy yet modern. And close to the beach, as we literally hit the sand by taking a step of the patio. We quickly put in our bags and unpack what's necessary in the kitchen and bedroom. And then decide that all we do for the day is explore the surrounding areas, taking in the amazing nature and ocean that surrounds us. Not something either of us gets to see a lot. Not without real civilisation interrupting.


We spend our days exploring beaches and forests, eating fresh seafood, and simply enjoying one another's company. It's like we're in our own little paradise, away from all the stresses of the city and our jobs. Last time either of us ever felt this free was on our first year anniversary, when we had that road trip.

One day, we're walking along the shore when Y/n turns to me with a childish grin. "Race you to the rocks," she says before taking off in the sand.

I chuckle and run after her, enjoying the spontaneity of the moment. Even though I have no way to win, when she holds the track record in her section, AND got a head start of at least a whole second.

We reach the rocks, both of us laughing. "I won!" She explains. "Now what do I win?" That childish grin has turned mischievous as she looks at me.

"You think you deserve a price? You had a head start." I say and she chuckles. I pull her in by the hem of her shorts, would have been her shirt if we both weren't in swimwear. That purple top forming her breast so perfectly for my sight.

"I didn't know you were a sore loser, Prentiss." She drapes her arms over my shoulders as her body comes flush against mine. And I feel that fire cracking through my veins, that fire craving only one thing. Y/n.

But Y/n only pecks my nose before almost ripping away from my arms and starting to run, laughing.

"Oh you little..." I say as I start to run after her with a laughter on my own lips. She runs towards the waves coming crashing, managing to throw of her shorts in the process. And I'm glad I hadn't put mine on again. And I swear she sways her hips more than necessary for my view only.

I stay at the line and she turns back in the water. "What? Scared of a little water?" She smirks as she wades further out.

But I saw that glint in her eyes and start to walk out towards her. A little faster than her, as if she'd slowed down just to let me be able to catch her.

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