15. Not alone

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Note to the picture. Her... them all in general in this episode. **Chef kiss
This one is a little longer than the others, which is why it took a little longer to write, but there's a lot to catch up on. Emotions... and what really happened at the end of that call.

Emily pov - Tomorrow afternoon

It's like I can't breath. I've been on this air strip five times before, three saying goodbye and two saying hi. But this time... this time it's different. This time she's coming home and I'm never letting her go again.

I had first asked Penelope and JJ to stay in the car, but they hadn't even let me argue about it as they had followed me. But I had immediately sat down next to Nats husband Cole and Nate's boyfriend John. And as my eyes set on the plane the pressure on my lungs continue to start and ease.

I don't know if time is moving faster or slower as the plane descends upon the air strip but I know that I'm not the only one getting up. Both Cole and John start moving with me.
And as the ramp lowers and the shadows of people start appearing I quickly leave the girls behind.

Only three people come out, one in a wheelchair, one one crutches and one pulling the wheelchair. I let out a sobbing breath as i see her. She's dressed in civilian clothes, they all are. And then I'm running. Tears streaming down my cheeks and make my vision blurry.

I see how she fights Nat to stand up, stand up and walk for herself. Towards me. The limp in her left leg is clear as she stumbles towards me. Nat and Nate doing the same but towards their own people. I'm just focused on her. My Y/n.

I come up to her and just stop. One of us realise a heavy sob, maybe both of us, who knows. There's just so much love in her eyes as I bring my hands to her cheeks. Just to make sure that she's real. And she is. My fingers comb over soft and cut skin, but real. She's real. It's not just another dream. She's here. She's home.

As I meet her gaze again I don't even have to pull her in, she jumps to wrap her arms over my shoulders. I wrap my arms around her carefully. Wanting nothing more than to give her a bone crushing hug, but know better than to do it. I don't know what else that's hurt besides the few things I can see.

The scrapes and scratches on her exposed skin, the cracked knuckles as if she hit something really hard repeatedly. The leg she's limping off, so bad that she had a wheelchair. The distant but loving gaze.

I bring her out and grab her cheeks as forcefully as I dare without hurtling her. Look at the fades bruise on her temple, the blood that has managed to stick to her skin from wounds, four stitches over her left cheek, the cut over her right eyebrow.

Then I do what I've been waiting for. I kiss her. I kiss her with such passion that I think I might pass out. I don't care who's watching. I don't care about anything else than the fact that my wife is home. The days of worry and loneliness are gone and the days of happiness are back.

"I'd told you, you're not getting rid of me that easily Emily." She smiles at me in that way that always makes me melt. Even though I can see it all in her eyes, the things she hasn't told me. I know there will be a time and a place to ask her. But that time and place is not here and now.

"I never doubted you for a second Y/n." I break into another sob as she pulls me back into her arms. Not carrying about any of the injuries she hasn't told me. And for the moment I can't seem to care either. Just that she's back in my arms and me in hers. And everything is right in the world again.

After at least another twenty minutes of just standing there, sobs in our throats and arms wrapped around each other. Not an inch of air in between us. We finally let go, not entirely as she interlocks our hands as we begin to walk back towards the car. Back towards my friends who are waiting for us.

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