14. I'm coming home

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Emily pov - two weeks later

For the last two weeks I've felt like my airway has started to clear up. Like I'm finally able to breath. Not entirely, but so much better.

It would be even better if Y/n had agreed to video calls since that first call. But I understand. I don't agree, but I understand. She doesn't want me to see any of her injuries and she hasn't really told me what they are. I can guess based on what's happened to her, but I don't know.

I just hope that she'll tell me exactly what happened once she gets home. The blood in my veins bubble with anticipation.

"I'll be able to fly home tonight, it'll take a few hours but I think I'll land in Quantico tomorrow afternoon." Y/n says easily. And it feels like we're girlfriends talking on the phone in a long distance relationship.

"Okay, I'll pick you up." I say as I pack a few dirty dishes into the dishwasher.

Her answer comes too quickly. "No need, we have ride-shares."

Is she serious? "Nonsense Y/n, I'll come pick you up."

"You serially don't need to Em, I'll see you at the house." I get that she doesn't want me to see her injuries but I'll see then either way.

"I will come and pick up my wife as she comes home from deployment and from having been missing for a month." I shut the dishwasher and put it on. Then I remember something as the sound rings in my ears. "But as I myself am not allowed to drive you'll meet some of my team."

"You really don't..." but she interrupts herself. "Wait, why aren't you allowed to drive?"

"That doesn't matter, I'll still come and pick you up." I take my glass of water with me towards the couch.

"Emily, why aren't you allowed to drive?" She asks, and I hear how serious she is. But it's really not that serious.

"Okay, I may have ruptured my eardrum a few weeks ago and Penelope and JJ still won't let me drive." Only rings a bit sometimes, doctor cleared me for flight after only two days. Really wasn't serious. "It's not that serious."

"Why didn't you tell me?" She says and I can't help but think about the irony in that.

"You have had other things to worry about, like healing from injuries you still refuse to tell me about." I plump down on the couch, Sergio jumping up beside me. "Which i know are bad because I'm not an idiot and I know what kind of injuries can come from a thing like this."

"Please, don't fight me on this. I'm fine, and..." Something interrupts her. As if the air in her throat got caught in something, sounds almost like something is shaking. It's just not like her.

"And what?" I ask right before hearing a small thud before the line goes dead. But worry barely has time to fill my body before an email comes through. I open and read it before I can let that worry fill me.

.                      .                       .                       .

Y/n Prentiss <ynprentiss@hotmail.com>
To me

Hi Emily

Sorry for the breaking, there's a storm above us right about now. But know that nothing is wrong for it, I love you and I'll call you as soon as I can. Which will probably be right before we land tomorrow, but I promise to be careful as long as you are too.

Sincerely, your wife Y/n

.                      .                       .                       .

And I breath out calmly. I knew about the weather, she'd told me it was headed towards where they were stationed at the moment. But it's just something about the wording that doesn't sound like her. But why would someone else write an email to me from her? Now that would just be absurd.

So I decide not to think to much about it. Put on the tv, watch a few of the newest episodes of Bones before I fall asleep. I'm sure that she is fine.

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